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- CIT Policies
- Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy
- Assessment Validation Policy
- Academic Appeals Policy
- Additional Teaching Hours for Existing Teaching Staff Policy
- Student Support Policy
- Admission and Enrolment Policy
- Marketing and Course Information Policy
- Assessment Policy
- Asset Management Policy
- Bullying and Harassment Prevention Policy
- CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) Policy
- Children at CIT Policy
- Students and Community Members Complaints Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Contractors and Employees Policy
- Debt Management Policy
- Due Diligence Policy
- Equity Policy
- Facility Hire Policy
- Finance Policy
- Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) Policy
- Goods and Services Tax (GST) Policy
- Higher Duties Allowance (Temporary Performance) Policy
- Higher Education - Academic Integrity Policy
- Higher Education - Academic Misconduct Policy
- Higher Education - Admission and Enrolment Policy
- Higher Education - Articulation Policy
- Higher Education - Assessment Policy
- Higher Education - Course Closure Policy
- Higher Education - Course Development Policy
- Higher Education - Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy
- Higher Education - Free Intellectual Enquiry Policy
- Higher Education - Grade Point Average (GPA) Policy
- Higher Education - Professional Equivalency Policy
- Higher Education - Scholarly Activity Policy
- Higher Education - Staffing Policy
- Higher Education - Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Policy
- Home Garaging CIT Vehicles Policy
- Individual Teacher Allocations (Procurement) Policy
- Induction of Staff Policy
- Student Industry Placement Policy
- Intellectual Property Policy
- Internal Audit Policy
- International Students Administration and Fees Policy
- Payment for Christmas Shutdown (Temporary Staff) Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Procurement Policy
- Public Interest Disclosure Policy
- Records Management Policy
- Recruitment (Casual Teacher Employment) Policy
- Recruitment (Permanent Appointment) Policy
- Recruitment (Temporary Engagement) Policy
- Refurbishment and Relocation Policy
- Research Policy
- Resolving Staff Workplace Issues Policy
- Return to Work Policy
- Revenue and Receipting Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- SMS Messaging Policy
- Student Scholarships Policy
- Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Policy
- Smoke Free Policy
- Space Management Policy
- Sponsorship Policy
- Staff Studying at CIT Policy
- VET Student Loans Policy
- Student Defence Force Reservist Policy
- Study Assistance (CIT Staff) Policy
- Teaching Hours for Existing General Staff Policy
- Termination of Temporary Employment Policy
- Travel Policy
- Unattachment Policy
- Use of Motor Vehicles on Institute Business Policy
- Workplace Health and Safety Arrangements Policy
- Student Conduct Policy
- Policy Development Policy
- Fraud and Corruption Policy
- Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Compliance Policy
- Training and Assessment Policy
- Amendment to Scope of Registration Policy
- Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) Development Policy
- Credit Transfer Policy
- Student Progression Policy
- Educator Competency and Currency Policy
- Course Transition Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Higher Education - Student Support Policy
- Academic Advice and Issuance Certification Policy
- Apprenticeships and Traineeships Policy
- Managing Third Party Arrangements Policy
- Resulting Policy
- Animal Use Policy
- Applications for Admission of Young People Under 17 Policy
- Fees and Refunds Policy
- International Students on Student Visas Policy
- Academic Dress Policy
- Why Choose CIT?
- Interim CEO Message
- CIT Locations
- CIT Board
- CIT Solutions
- Working at CIT
- CIT Cultural Traits
- Publications
- CIT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee
- Freedom of Information
- Open Access Information
- Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
- Reconciliation at CIT
- Information for staff
- Smoke free CIT
- Safety updates
- Student and community member complaints
- Women in trades
- Court Notices, Subpoenas and other third-party requests for staff or student information
- CIT Stakeholder Engagement Framework
- CIT Senior Executive Responsible for Business Integrity and Risk
- CIT Public Interest Disclosure
- Operational Governance & Compliance at CIT
- Gender equity at CIT
- Strategic Plan
- News and events
- Australia's first TAFE Electric Vehicle Centre of Excellence finds its home at CIT
- CIT graduates integral to growing the ACT's economy
- Help name new CIT Woden Campus public spaces
- Breaking barriers in traditionally male-dominated industries
- Annabelle and CIT turf students make the cut
- CIT leads charge with EV training
- Safety focus on renewables training
- Emma wins at Australian Training Awards
- CIT finalists in Australian Training Awards
- Enter CIT shop of the future
- ACT Pilot program creating job-ready cyber experts
- Be inspired at CIT Open Day
- Fee-Free TAFE extended at CIT
- Award-winning teacher inspired by students
- CIT at centre of National Skills Agreement launch
- CIT success at ACT Training Awards
- Floristry students exhibit at Floriade
- Teaching can be its own reward
- CIT finalists in ACT Training Awards
- See your future at CIT Woden
- CIT students win four medals WorldSkills nationals
- More than 100 high school students Try a Trade at CIT
- CIT students test skills against Australia's best in trade
- CIT at forefront of targeted jobs growth in ACT
- Statement from the CIT Board
- CIT ICT hosts career night
- Fee-free TAFE opportunities now available
- National Reconciliation Week at CIT 2023
- ANZAC Day - CIT Commemorates its own: Tony Fetherston
- Skills for Carers February 2023
- CIT TASTE 2023
- CIT students ready for National WorldSkills Competition
- Looking to the Future 2023 CIT staff conference
- Development Application CIT Woden now open for public comment
- Congratulations to the CIT Class of 2022!
- CIT welcomes fee-free training
- CIT bronze award recipients at national training awards
- CIT teacher wins at national training awards
- Cook the Book with Celebrity Chef Luca Ciano
- Jane Clark: Going to great lengths to help hairdressing students and industry
- Cyber Warriors Wanted!
- Vote for your favourite horror design
- CIT baking student places fourth at International Worldskills competition
- Wearable Florals - 2022 Formal Season
- CIT Industry collaboration for hospitality training
- Mental Health support available for students
- CIT stars at Floriade
- Studio22 a success at CIT
- CIT Staff and Students win at ACT Training Awards
- CIT supports Head Start for school-based apprentices
- Skills for Carers August 2022
- CIT students ready for Moon Festival cooking show
- CIT Cybersecurity Bootcamp 26 - 30 September
- Children experience the wonder of First Nations storytellers at CIT Reid Library
- CIT Spring Plant Sale 2022
- National Science Week at CIT
- CIT students get up close and personal to a working pathology laboratory
- CIT students caring for native wildlife
- Cybersecurity experts from PNG visit CIT
- CIT apprenticeship leads to bespoke car career
- CIT Open Day 2022
- CIT celebrates National Reconciliation Week
- National Reconciliation Week at CIT 2022
- CIT Construction gets stylish new look from CIT Barbering
- CIT Culinary reducing food waste and increasing sustainability
- CIT Autumn Plant Sale 2022
- Allied health students lead the way for a booming career path
- Foundation skills students thrive at CIT
- Spark program leads to hospitality jobs
- Students focus on leading Sustainability in business
- Soroptimist International scholarships 2021
- From communications to cookery - a tasty career change
- Scholarships for female electricians and apprentices to study solar
- Canberra small businesses boosted by innovation workshops
- CIT wins Industry Collaboration Award at the 2021 Australian Training Awards
- CIT student's talent recognised in photography competition
- CIT Plant Sale is now on
- CIT host Renewables and Climate Change event: Zero CO2
- CIT competing in National Training Awards for VET 2021 this Thursday
- CIT Open Day 2021
- Youth work turns dream into career
- Tourism career takes off
- Floral gowns by CIT Floristry students at the Hyatt Hotel Canberra
- CIT students show off trade skills at WorldSkills Nationals competition
- CIT launches small business mentoring for a post-COVID-19 world
- From academia to cybersecurity specialist
- Traineeship helps students thrive
- Making a change through the Australian Public Service
- Maggie Hall awarded Norm Fisher Award
- ACT Apprentice of Year sparks inspiration for trade career
- CIT students win in-demand pathology jobs
- CIT staff and students winners at ACT Training Awards
- Oh Snap! Year 12 CIT student lockdown photography competition
- Literacy programs for CIT indigenous students
- CIT skilling for the future with renewables
- Tips for online learning in lockdown
- A new career in Cybersecurity
- Skills for Carers August 2021
- CIT Cookery apprentices compete for Chef’s Hat
- CIT student baking world-best baguettes for World Skills
- CIT Accounting course adds up for students
- Students start an exciting new stage of their careers through WESP
- CIT students support local charities
- CIT Bridge Challenge
- CIT students awarded Refugee Week scholarships
- CIT students awarded for innovation and imagination at SpaceHack
- First Hike for CIT students and staff
- New health training opportunities for ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
- CIT floristry students show off their skills at the Botanic Gardens
- A new career in Accounting
- From CIT to Kambri, massage therapy entrepreneur brings joy to clients
- Get involved in National Reconciliation Week @CIT
- Library and Information Week
- Get a bargain at the CIT Mini Plant Sale
- CIT Mother's Day Pop-up Florist Shop
- ANZAC stories from CIT floristry students
- Industry speed-dating event at CIT
- Starting a rewarding career in cyber security
- Preparing students for the world of employment
- Heavy vehicle mechanical technology offers a world of opportunities for women
- Challenging stereotypes: CIT celebrates International Women's Day
- A journey in Nursing starting at CIT
- Akka Ballenger Constantin considers art a tool in activism
- CIT Taste
- Hospitality student with big dreams
- Building a career in Australia
- COVID-19 Induction Video
- CIT Hairdressing and Barbering students raise money for mental health
- Celebrity chef pays a visit to CIT
- Microsoft 365 and your new student account
- Yurauna Early Childhood Centre is 'Exceeding' expectations
- CIT Giving Tree supports EveryMan
- Vibrant art brightens up Bruce bus stops
- Appreciation for the nursing profession drives Community Work students' project
- CIT Interior Design Graduating Class of 2020
- Theatre enthusiasts sharpen technical skills awaiting the return of live productions
- Have your say on the CIT Woden public transport interchange
- From style to safety: CIT students make masks for COVID-19
- Syrian chemistry professionals join the ACT disability sector
- Resilient and driven 2020 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year
- CIT students win Australian Training Awards
- CIT students host first face-to-face events since COVID
- Women student leaders receive Soroptimist International Scholarship
- CIT Plant Sale this weekend
- CIT Visual Arts student a top emerging global artist
- Library hosts students' artwork
- CIT Mentoring and Support Group empowers women
- CIT Nominated for Large RTO of the Year
- CIT students share the stories of Canberra's homeless
- Kippax Trade Start supports job ready construction graduates
- New student representatives here to support you
- ACT Trainee of the Year finds flexibility at CIT
- ACT Apprentice of the Year Khye Bolin busier than ever
- Floristry stylist, registered nurse and ACT Vocational Student of the Year
- CIT students given behind-the-scenes access to Geocon’s Metropol site
- CIT students present Wildflowers at Cuppacumbalong
- CIT celebrates multiple wins at 2020 ACT Training Awards
- Silver Linings - a Screen and Media student production
- CIT demystifies renewable energy for regional primary students
- International, virtual Zero CO2 Hackathon targets ACT’s emissions reduction goal
- Local mum starts career in paediatric care
- Momentous occasion in CIT history as CIT Woden campus gets green light
- Infection control training keeps businesses and community safe
- CIT Open Day 2020
- Celebrate National Science Week with CIT
- Business Administration ‘SIMBUS’ training focused on new online way of working
- New CIT Library Workshops for students
- CIT nursing graduates ready to support the community
- Resilience 19;20 a CIT student-led community exhibition
- 35-metre-tall training facility at CIT Bruce
- The support students need at CIT
- From Bhutan to CIT pursuing an accounting and bookkeeping career
- CIT Year 12 students meet with the UN
- CIT hair and beauty apprentices get invaluable industry support
- Casual teachers focus on what students need
- Staying in gear with CIT Automotive
- Generous Canberra community donates laptops to students in need
- Automotive refinishing apprentices still busy and training after 2020 hailstorm
- Academic tutorials continue online
- Persistently building knowledge in construction
- CIT Woden Public Consultation
- Keeping students engaged with art
- Education advisor experienced in online learning shares tips
- Culinary creations in a global pandemic
- Online plumbing training tackles theory first
- CIT teachers prepared to deliver VET online
- Improvement works underway at CIT
- Bringing smiles, and muffins, to the community
- Supporting our students during the COVID-19 outbreak
- COVID-19 Information
- CIT donates plants for bushfire recovery
- CIT celebrates International Women's Day
- A clever cyber collaboration for CIT
- CIT 'Trade Hack' Tackling Sustainability in Trades
- TAFE Meets Parliament 2020
- Fighting the decline in smash repairs
- Visual Arts on display
- Skills for Carers February 2020
- CIT students see the future of renewable energy
- CIT Support for Fire Affected Students
- Information regarding the Novel Coronavirus
- Students and industry meet at Fit & Well Allied Health Clinic
- CIT, coffee and Australian culture: the foundation for a public service career
- Keep up-to-date and stay safe
- A year of success for CIT cyber and IT students
- CIT SPARK Community Services Taster cohort celebrates program completion
- Congratulations to our graduating international students
- CIT Yurauna and Northside finalists at prestigious 2019 Banksia Sustainability Awards
- Keeping his cool - CIT apprentice wins refrigeration and air conditioning award
- CIT welcomes new state-of-the-art campus planned for Woden Town Centre
- CIT's Orange Wolves to set Canberra's City Walk aglow
- Grandfather photo gets CIT student prestigious award
- CIT Fit & Well Allied Health Clinic official opening
- Vestas' turbine technicians upskill in cyber security
- 2019 ACT Teacher/Trainer of the Year prepares renewables industry leaders
- CIT Orange Wolves Event
- Gear shift takes bus driver to new cyber security career
- CIT carpentry apprentice takes out top ACT award
- Changing paths led Amelia to ACT Trainee of the Year Award
- CIT Advanced Bridge Challenge tested bridges to destruction
- The ACT VET sector salutes CIT's Ivan Radic, 2019 Norm Fisher Award recipient
- CIT's innovation and excellence recognised at 2019 ACT Training Awards
- Nigerian student establishes humanitarian foundation
- Chief Minister Andrew Barr visits CIT
- CIT: a supportive pathway to reach your goals
- Canberra Theatre Centre and CIT kick-off live production training
- CIT students prep at Temasek Polytechnic Culinary Academy
- CIT graduates 'make merry' with number one mobile recipe app
- Skills for Carers July 2019
- Five minutes with Interior Designer Bianca Lewis
- CIT Open Day 2019
- Asian immersion experience for Accounting cohort
- Bridges built up and knocked down in CIT Bridge Challenge
- CIT graduate helps the vulnerable to have the best quality of life
- CIT graduates celebrate their academic achievements
- 'Speed dating' builds industry connections
- Celebrating National Reconciliation Week at CIT
- CIT revs up the competition at MotorEx 2019
- Cyber Tech Show celebrates one year of cyber security at CIT
- Students explore behind-the-scenes forensics at CIT
- From RAAF to Renewable Energy Instructor
- 10 years of floristry support for the Australian War Memorial
- Canberra-inspired keepsakes with a CIT creative stamp
- Gerber Award brings CIT graduate closer to fashion design dream
- Year 12 students hacking their future pathways
- CIT's Mature Workers Support Project
- Electrical apprentices compete in Fit-Off Challenge
- Year 9 and 10 students visit CIT for Industry Pathways Course
- Innovative training solution fuels hospitality industry
- CIT joins forces with Neoen to support future local jobs in Coleambally
- Helping the planet: a Wind Turbine Technician's story
- Skills for Carers February 2019
- CIT student showcases miniature artwork
- Singapore and Europe renewables study tour
- Reskilled and confident mother-of-five returns to work
- Teaching and learning: a fashionable journey to Cambodia
- CIT Highest Ranking TAFE Team in CySCA 2018
- Modern dental training facility opens at CIT
- Nation's first hydrogen test station at CIT Fyshwick
- Canberra's first reality cooking show packs a punch
- Congratulations to Return to Work for Women graduates
- Unique Cyber security training solution launched in Canberra
- Learning skills for working in government
- Fee-Free TAFE for Early Childhood Education and Care
- Why WorldSkills is a winner for ACT
- Message from Kate Lundy, Chair of the CIT Board
- Statement from the CIT Board
- CIT and UC MOU will strengthen educational opportunities in the ACT
- Empowering women to power Canberra’s renewable future
- News
- Events
- Student stories
- Allied Health Assistance course strengthens career
- CIT apprentice wins Graduating Apprentice of the Year
- CIT student wins ACT nursing award
- Wunderkind CIT apprentice chef sets the Table
- Chance conversation leads to career at great heights
- Student garden wonderlands at Floriade
- Adult Learners Week achievement for Hayley
- Fernanda's journey from advertising to award-winning photographer
- From nomadic trails to finding refuge
- Planting success: Flexible learning nurtures a passion for horticulture
- A balancing act: From project plans to the World Skate Games
- CIT alumna supporting Australia’s Para-athletes
- CIT alumni shaping design in the education sector
- From CIT to hatted Canberra restaurants
- Powering up: Sam’s path back to renewables
- Ben's journey from apprentice to award-winning builder
- Building futures: Kayla's construction journey at CIT Woden
- Melanie’s path to confidence through education
- Amplifying ambitions: Julia’s rise to sound production
- Hands-on learning sparks a passion for renewable energy
- From a school-based apprenticeship to WorldSkills Australia
- Search the CIT Library
- Commercial Services
- Contact and Feedback