Emily Cheney - Year 12 Certificate
I have just completed the Year 12 Certificate at CIT.
I am originally from Canberra, but moved to Leeton in New South Wales when I was eight with my family. When I was 16, I was forced to leave home, so I returned to live with my aunt in Canberra where I studied year 11 and 12.
I finished year 12, but I was hospitalised with depression and was unable to get an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank). I really wanted to be a nurse in the Defence Force, but I needed to get an ATAR so I could then go on to study nursing at university.
When my health stabilised, I was offered a place at a youth centre called Our Place, which is a joint venture between Barnados and Anglicare. The arrangement was that I could stay as long as I was prepared to do some kind of study. I saw that I could study my Year 12 Certificate at CIT, so I decided to use the opportunity to get an ATAR.
I really enjoyed the course. It's quite intensive - but I stuck with it. I had a few set-backs - the day before a major assignment was due, my computer was stolen - but my determination kept me going.
While I certainly faced challenges at times, I really found that perseverance and a positive attitude go a long way, and I am now well on my way to achieving my long-term career goal.