Responsibility Loading (CIT College Directors) Policy
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to set the limits associated with the amount payable under the Responsibility Loading provisions of the Agreement.
Requirements within this policy are drawn directly from the Agreement - Clause 50 (Responsibility Loading) and Annex A (Classifications and Rates of Pay).
2. Scope
This policy applies to all Manager Education - Level 2 teachers with dual managerial responsibility for a CIT college.
3. Principles
3.1 A responsibility loading may become applicable where a college director becomes solely responsible for a college when there is no co-director in place for four consecutive weeks or more.
3.2 In accordance with the Agreement, a director with sole responsibility for the college will be precluded from receiving the loading if the college has an annual revenue budget below $10,000,000.
3.3 To commence payment of the loading an application form must be submitted to Corporate Services for confirmation of the college/division's budget being over the required threshold. The Chief Operating Officer will provide final approval.
3.4 Approval will only be provided for a maximum of 12 months and an annual review must be undertaken for continuation of the loading for any further period. A new form must be submitted for periods beyond this time.
3.5 On approval CIT Human Resources (HR) will arrange for the loading to be added to the director's salary package. Where the loading is to be extended (up to a combined maximum of 12 months) CIT HR will extend the period on advice from the Deputy Chief Executive.
3.6 From the effective date of the Agreement the loading amount will be $11,240 per annum, payable in fortnightly instalments for the term the director is solely responsible for the college. In line with the Agreement:
- the annual amount payable will rise commensurately with salary increases:
- From 20.10.2014: $11,240
- 1.5% from 9.4.2015: $11,409
- 1.5% from 8.10.2015: $11,580
- 1.5% from 7.4.2016: $11,753
- 1.5% from 6.10.2016: $11,930
- 1.5% from 6.4.2017: $12,109 - the Responsibility Loadings will count as salary for superannuation purposes.
3.7 The loading will cease to be paid from the expiration date provided on the form, or the date on which the director is no longer solely responsible for the college, or where the college's revenue budget falls below the threshold provided above.
4. Documentation
Authority Source
- ACT Public Sector Canberra Institute of Technology (Teaching Staff) Enterprise Agreement 2013-2017
5. Definitions
The Agreement - ACT Public Service Canberra Institute of Technology (Teaching Staff) Enterprise Agreement 2013 – 2017 or its successor.
Director - A Manager Education – Level 2 teacher with managerial responsibility for a CIT teaching college.
6. Policy Contact Officer
Senior Policy Officer, CIT Corporate Services
Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.
Policy No: 2017/468 Approved: October 2014 Next Review: September 2023 Category: Corporate Policies Policy Owner: Executive Director, Corporate Services |
Responsibility Loading CIT College Directors Procedures (MS Word Document 132.0 KB) |
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