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Off-Campus Activities Policy

1. Purpose

Off-campus activities form an integral part of much of the learning at CIT. The nature of these activities, combined with the less familiar environments they are conducted in, may present increased risk. This policy and procedures have been developed to provide guidance on appropriate ways to control these risks.

2. Scope

These guidelines apply to all off-campus activities involving staff and students from CIT. Industry Placement is excluded, however, as it has its own policy.

3. Principles


3.1.1 Head of Department/College Director will

  • Ensure leaders have the necessary capability to conduct the activity
  • Ensure all off-campus activities have written approval
  • The College Director will determine whether a day excursion is classified as a Major or a Minor Excursion

3.1.2 Leader will

  • Ensure activity is well planned and resourced
  • Provide leadership in all matters relating to the health and safety of participants
  • Leave activity and participant details with the relevant Head of Department or College Director

3.1.3 Student will

  • Complete and sign the Medical Information and Consent Form when required and advise of any particular medical issues
  • Comply with all instructions of the leader and with all relevant CIT policies regarding behaviour and safety


3.2.1 CIT staff will pre-plan all off-campus activities so that decisions are made regarding the reasonableness of risk

3.2.2 A risk assessment must be done prior to any off-campus activity. For Major Excursions, this risk assessment must include preparing an Emergency Contact List and ensuring all students (plus parents/guardians of students under 18) complete and sign a Medical Information & Consent form.

3.2.3 CIT Corporate Services and ACT Insurance Authority are available to assist in the risk assessment process

3.2.4 Teachers must make themselves aware of any relevant legislation/legal requirements of the State or Territory in which the activity is being conducted in and take steps to ensure compliance as required.

3.2.5 Any personal protective equipment used must comply with Australian Standards


3.3.1 MINOR EXCURSIONS – approval must be obtained from the Head of Department

3.3.2 MAJOR EXCURSIONS – approval must be obtained from the College Director after due consideration of the Risk Management Plan and proposed itinerary. Interstate excursions must also be approved by the Executive Director, Education and Training Services and overseas excursions require the approval of the Chief Executive Officer.

3.3.3 Activities involving student excursion fees must have the necessary CIT approvals processed.


3.4.1 CIT staff accompanying students on off-campus activities will abide by the ACTPS Code of Conduct and will ensure the health and safety of students by modelling safe work practices

3.4.2 Students attending approved off-campus activities are held to be attending classes of instruction at CIT. Students must comply with all instructions given by the leader, and with all relevant CIT policies regarding behaviour.


3.5.1 CIT does not accept liability for any loss, damage or injury (or other consequences) sustained by students when attending or participating in off-campus activities

3.5.2 All incidents and accidents must be reported via Riskman.


3.6.1 USE OF PRIVATE OR HIRE VEHICLES – the driver of such vehicles must be licensed and the vehicle must be registered, insured and roadworthy. It must carry only as many passengers as there are seatbelts.

3.6.2 STUDENTS UNDER 18 YEARS – must always have parent/guardian consent before any travel is done. Parent/guardian consent is also required for students under 18 years to transport other students in their cars or if they are to travel in another student's car.

4. Documentation

CIT Policies


  • Advice to Students Attending Off-Campus Activities
  • CIT Approval for Off-Campus Activities
  • Medical Information & Consent Form for Students over 18 Years
  • Medical Information & Consent Form for Students under 18 Years
  • Risk Management Planning Template
  • Emergency Contact List
  • Itinerary
  • Student Excursion Information Sheet
  • Riskman system and CIT Risk management form

5. Definitions

All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the CIT Definitions of Terms.

The following definitions are very specific to this policy:

  • Minor Excursion: An off-campus activity that lasts less than a day and is approved by the College Director as being a Minor Excursion.
  • Major Excursion: An off-campus activity that lasts more than a day or a day excursion that has been classified as a Major Excursion by the College Director. This includes interstate and overseas trips.

6. Policy Contact Officer

Director, CIT Education Services.

Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.

7. Procedures

This policy is implemented through the associated procedures. Authority to make changes to the procedures rests with the policy owner.

Policy No: 2016/590
Approved: February 2020
Next Review: November 2024
Category: Student Policies, Staff Policies, Training Policies
Policy Owner: Executive Director, Education and Training Services
procedureword Off-Campus Activities Procedures
(MS Word Document 292.4 KB)


Browse Policies
CIT Definition of Terms
CIT Governance Framework (PDF 381Kb)
Complaints Form
Client Service Charter (PDF 845Kb)
Student Code of Conduct (PDF 286Kb)
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