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Resulting Policy

1. Purpose

To ensure consistent management of academic results at Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT).

2. Scope

Where this policy refers to CIT, it includes CIT Solutions.

This policy applies to all staff involved in the finalisation and entering of academic results for nationally recognised training units.

This policy does not apply to the management of academic results for non-accredited training.

3. Principles

The rigorous management of academic results is critical to providing data that inform decision making and reporting educational outcomes.

All student results will be finalised in a timely manner and at the end of each unit completion date to enable students to monitor their progress and for reporting purposes.

CIT has a clear set of result identifiers, for use across all nationally accredited training and modes of delivery.

CIT has two approved marking schemes:

  • Competency-based
  • competency-based with grading.

Only one approved marking scheme will be applied to a unit at the point of configuration in the Student Management System (SMS).

The marking scheme competency-based with grading, is available only where the Academic Council approves the use of grading, when courses are developed for courses at AQF level 5 or above, and only where there is evidence that:

  • industry uses evidence of assessment performance in employment selection processes and requests CIT to provide such evidence
  • grading is important for a major piece or capstone assessment task
  • a graded outcome is required either by:
    • a higher education articulation agreement that specifies a graded subject
    • a higher education qualification
    • an ACT BSSS senior secondary program
    • an ELICOS program.

Graded results will be issued in accordance with the Assessment Policy.

Individual assessments are only deemed as Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS).

Once all assessment tasks have been submitted and assessment completed (whether Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory), educators will enter a final result for the unit.

CIT Student Support Disability Education Advisors may recommend a modified grade for students registered with Student Support who are unable to achieve a competency outcome, despite reasonable adjustment to assessment tasks. A modified grade does not meet the subject requirements and does not count towards qualification completion.

Student results associated with assessment validation will undergo individual academic scrutiny and oversight by the Education Services team (refer Assessment Validation Policy and Assessment Validation Procedure).

Final results will be completed and entered into the SMS by the assessor within fifteen (15) working days of each unit's completion date, or as directed for end-of-subject reporting, whichever comes first.

For Open Learning/Flexible Learning, final results will be entered within fifteen (15) working days after the final assessment.

Educators' planned leave should not impact on the ability to enter results in a timely manner. All grades must be entered before a period of educator leave or paid non-attendance spanning more than five (5) days.

Where a student formally withdraws from a unit, final results will be entered within five (5) working days.

Student results will be entered on the SMS:

  • by an educator responsible for the assessment of the nationally accredited training; or
  • at the direction of that educator and with the knowledge of the Head of Department, by the college administration staff in extenuating circumstances.

Student results will be uploaded in accordance with ACT Government and legislative and regulatory requirements, or other State Training Authority/government entities, where applicable.

Students will receive their academic results in a timely manner to assist in determining course progression and study plans.

3.1 Entering Final Results

All final results will be entered into the SMS within two (2) working days of the final result being determined by the assessor and quality checked (refer: Assessment Procedure).

Prior to rolling results, all results are verified for accuracy of data entry by another person.

Resulting errors will be returned to the assessor for immediate rectification.

3.2 Final Result Changes

Once entered into the SMS a final result may only be changed in the current year in the following circumstances:

  • Correction of an error by the educator. A correction of an error refers to an administrative error only, such as those related to data entry or miscalculation of marks.
  • Correction of errors with the written authority of the Executive Director, Education Futures and Students. A correction of an error arising from more complex situations, for example, changes to historical records or requiring documentary evidence of how the error occurred and why it was not previously identified must be cognisant of reporting requirements. Refer: Academic Advice and Issuance of Certification Policy.
  • As an outcome of an action under the Academic Appeals Policy.
  • As an outcome of an action under the Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy and processes.

3.3 Temporary Grades

All AP and EG grades must meet the defined definition. AP and EG grades will be finalised at the first department team meeting in the next semester and final results entered on SMS within two (2) working days of the meeting.

The temporary grades AP and EG will be entered in the midterm grade column only. When completed, educators will update to final result using codes below (section 4).


Academic Progress: to be used only when off-the-job assessment has been satisfactorily completed and assessment as part of Student Industry Placement is outstanding.


Extension Granted: to be used only where an extension has been approved, documented and a due date agreed. The extension temporary grade is only used to allow additional time for the student to complete assessment, if the student requires extra time to complete learning, the student is required to re-enrol into the unit.

Temporary grades are not to be used as holding results. Where the student's assessment activities have not been completed at the time the results are due, an explanation of the use of these grades must be documented in department meeting minutes and actions, for example, pending completion of student industry placement or student's extenuating circumstances.

3.4 Issuing a Record of Results

Unless sanctions prevent issuing an official Record of Results, these will be issued to the student on request and without cost. A Record of Results can only be issued by Awards and Program using CIT transcript stationery.

Students can review an unofficial Record of Results using CIT student self-service.

(Note: Sanctions may include withholding issuing a Record of Results due pending receipt of required reporting data (USI, RD) or an outstanding account or fee debt, outstanding library borrowings or other requirements to return CIT property.)

Refer: Academic Advice and Issuance of Certification Policy

3.5 CIT Result Codes and Grading Modes

3.5.1  Grading Mode (all subjects)

1 Not assessable
2 Final Examination - Ungraded
5 Ungraded
6 Graded to Distinction
7 Graded to High Distinction
8 External Examination
A Final Examination Graded to High Distinction

3.5.2  Final Result Codes within each Grading Mode

Mid-term and recognition codes (as above) also apply to all except Grading Mode 1  Grading Mode 1: Non-assessable subjects

X Non-assessable success (attendance, participation)
WA With engagement – evidence of engagement/attendance/activity
WW Without engagement – (with/without formal withdrawal)  Grading Mode 2 and 5: Ungraded subjects

F  Grading Mode 6, 7, 8 and A: Graded subjects

HD (not applicable for grading mode 6)
D (grading mode 6 includes Dᶺ signifying D is the highest grade)

3.5.3  Final Result Definitions

UP Ungraded pass – all outcomes achieved
WA Evidence of engagement*/attendance; all assessments and re-assessments not completed (with/without formal withdrawal) #
WW No engagement* (with/without formal withdrawal)
F Fail, outcomes not achieved after all assessments and re-assessments completed #
HD High Distinction
D Distinction (Dᶺ Distinction where D is the highest grade)
CR Credit
P Pass/All outcomes achieved
X Non-assessable subject/module
MG Modified grade; does not meet the subject requirements; only to be used with approval of Disability Education Advisor

Refer: Appendix below for more information about WA, WW and F including case studies

3.5.4  Recognition Codes  Credit Transfer

CT Credit Transfer: granted where the unit of competency code and title are identical or where the national VET register ( identifies the units to be equivalent. Industry regulations apply regarding currency (for example: CPR unit will not be granted as a Credit Transfer if older than 12 months) See: Credit Transfer Policy.  Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

RG Recognition Granted: successful RPL assessment of an individual’s skills and knowledge (can be in combination with other formal study evidence such as Australian University or overseas qualification); formal study from an Australian RTO, Unit of Competency code is not identical, or when using many UOCs/ subjects for a UOC/subject.
NG Recognition not granted: unsuccessful RPL assessment (not yet competent).
WL Recognition pending for work/life experience (final grade will be RG or NG).

3.5.5  Additional Information:  WW, WA and F

*  Selection of WW or WA relates to evidence of engagement: either evidence of recorded attendance at a session including learning (not an introductory session without learning) or recorded completion of an activity (learning or assessment) within the online learning platform.

WW: no evidence of engagement (did not attend; did not engage online)

WA: evidence of engagement (attended at least one session and participated in a class activity/learning or engaged in at least one online activity). Activities must be directly related to the unit of competency being resulted.

#  Selection of WA or F relates to demonstration of competence when assessments have been completed:

WA: student did not complete all assessment and all re-assessments.

F: student completes all assessments and all re-assessments but does not demonstrate competence.

3.5.6  Registration Status

Students registered with one of these codes
can receive any positive or negative grade.

Applicable grades

RE = Registered enrolled

RW = Registered website

FR = Fee refund

PR = Program refund

Any grade, positive or negative

Students with these registration status codes
cannot get a PASS grade

Applicable grades

WA = Withdrawn after the invoice due date

WD = Withdrawn after the census date

CA = Cancelled after the invoice due date

CD = Cancelled after the census date

WA - With Activity

WW - Without Engagement

3.6  Responsibilities

3.6.1  College Director

The College Director is responsible for ensuring:

  • the rigorous and timely management of all student results
  • collating and interpreting data relating to student results
  • reporting of educational issues linked to student results
  • the systematic moderation of student results as part of scheduled assessment validation
  • forwarding requests for graded assessment mode to the Senior Education Leader.

3.6.2  Heads of Department and Educators

Heads of Department and Educators are jointly responsible for:

  • treating students' results and feedback on assessment with confidentiality
  • recording assessment outcomes and final results in a systematic, timely and accurate manner
  • communicating outcomes of individual assessment tasks to students in a timely manner
  • finalising assessment marking within ten (10) working days of each unit's completion date and as directed, completing end of subject reporting requirements
  • entering final results in SMS within two (2) working days of determining final assessment outcome
  • entering final results in SMS at the end of year, where directed to meet end-of-subject session requirements
  • finalising temporary grades (AP or EG midterm result) within two (2) days of the first department team meeting each semester
  • ensuring all results are rolled into academic history and there are no outstanding results on the Student Management System (SMS)
  • collating, interpreting data relating to student results.

3.6.3  Heads of Department

Heads of Department are responsible for:

  • ensuring 'finalisation of results' is included as a standing agenda item for department team meetings
  • documenting in the minutes of department team meetings discussions regarding the:
    • entering of final results
    • midterm results (extensions (AP or EG))
    • issues and trends in student results
    • management of temporary grades (AP and EG)
    • matters for escalation as part of program review and improvement and addition to the continuous improvement plan
  • ensuring that all staff marking assessment items in each unit:
    • use the correct marking scheme
    • meet timelines for the completion of marking and submission of final results
    • review the results of individual students who are eligible for special provision within the meaning of the current ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies.
  • managing nationally recognised training in transition, or where nationally recognised training has been deleted on, ensuring results are entered to meet the published teach out date by:
    • entering results at least one month before the final award dated
    • notifying the Manager Awards and Programs when student results are finalised ready for the award to be provided to the student (refer: Course Transition Policy).

3.6.4  Manager Awards and Programs

The Manager Awards and Programs is responsible for:

  • reporting final results to students
  • monitoring results for courses in transition or deleted
  • issuing records of results
  • issuing Statements of Attainment to students in a timely manner.

3.6.5  Senior Education Leader

The Senior Education Leader is responsible for reviewing graded assessment requests and making recommendation to the Teaching and Learning Quality Committee (TLQC) for approval. The Senior Education Leader advises the College Director, Head of Department and Manager Awards and Programs of the outcome of the request.

4. Documentation

4.1 Related Legislation/Regulation

4.2 Related Policy and Procedures

4.3 Related Documents

  • Updating of Result Request form
  • Skills Recognition for Update of Result form

5. Definitions

All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the CIT Definitions of Terms. The following terms are provided in the context of this policy.

Rolling grades

Rolling grades is the second step to student grade entry into the student management system (SMS).  Student work is marked and assigned a grade. Grades are entered into the CIT SMS, checked, then saved (rolled) into academic history.  Once grades have been rolled students will be able to access their final grade in a unit of competency in CIT self-service.

6. Policy Contact Officer

Executive Director, Education Futures and Students.

Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.

7. Procedures

This policy is implemented through the associated procedures. Authority to make changes to the procedures rests with the policy owner.

Policy No: CIT2024/680
Approved: June 2024
Next Review: June 2027
Category: Student Policies, Training Policies
Policy Owner: Executive Director, Education Futures and Students
procedurepdf Resulting Policy Appendices 2024
(PDF File 201.2 KB)


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