Jaimee Zagar - Business Admin
I have always been interested in computers, administration and accounting.
In Year 11 I decided to study business administration. During my two years at college I secured not only my Year 12 Certificate, but also completed a Certificate I in Business, Certificate II in Business and part of the Certificate III in Business.
I really enjoyed the study and felt that the courses I had completed would be of benefit to me in the long term - no matter what path my career took.
After completing Year 12, I was keen to start work in a field that complemented my business administration study and provided an on-the-job traineeship, so I actively sought opportunities that provided the combination of work and study.
I discovered an advertised position as an Administrative Trainee (Medical) with Calvary John James Hospital, and eagerly submitted my application. While I never actively considered applying my interests to the medical field, the area sounded especially interesting.
I was delighted to be offered the position and commenced a Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical) at CIT two months after my on-the-job experience. This in itself was a benefit because the two months of on-the-job training provided me with a valuable context for my study.
I was delighted to have been selected for the position, and proud that I had landed such a good job so quickly after leaving school."