CIT students caring for native wildlife
Published: 29 Jul 2022

Canberra Institute of Technology Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing (ACM40418) students were recently paid a visit by a very special guest as part of the studies in caring for native species.
A native glider called Squints was brought into class so students currently completing their native mammals unit could see first hand what is required to care for some of Australian's unique and endangered animals.
This exciting course requires students to not only have a good basic understanding of native mammals, but also learn the ins and outs of handling and taking care of them.
Corin Pennock, our native mammals expert teacher at CIT has been training students in everything they need to know, including finding out the species, age and sex of mammals, as well as being able to determine any type of injury they may sustain and relaying it back to a wildlife carer.
Hands on training like this means our veterinary nursing students receive all the skills they need to help treat a range of different animals at CIT, ensuring they are prepared to meet industry needs and find great employment opportunities when they graduate.
To find out more about veterinary nursing at CIT visit the website.