Higher Duties Allowance (Temporary Performance) Policy
1. Purpose
To provide a fair and transparent process for the selection of staff to perform duties of a temporary nature at a higher level.
2. Scope
This policy is in accordance with relevant Enterprise Agreements (see Clause C7 for general staff and Clause 44-46 for teaching staff) and applies to all CIT managers with appropriate delegations.
This policy does not deal with temporary transfer at level or below.
3. Principles
Long - Term Temporary Performance
3.1 If the position is vacant for more than 6 months, the vacancy must be advertised in the ACTPS Gazette and the successful candidate must be selected on merit.
3.2 In filling a temporary vacancy for a period of 6 months or longer, the Chief Executive will give preference to permanent staff provided that they are at least as suitable for the vacancy as other candidates.
3.3 A Joint Selection Committee must be used when teaching staff are to perform duties of a temporary nature at a higher level for more than 6 months.
3.4 Long - Term Temporary Performance directions up to an ASO6 and equivalent can be appealed.
Short - Term Temporary Performance
3.5 Staff members may be selected for short-term temporary performance (less than 6 months) based on their efficiency, availability and potential for further development.
3.6 Delegates must consider the following criteria when selecting staff members for short-term temporary performance:
- Merit - selecting the most able staff member for the position;
- Capacity Building - providing the opportunity for professional development through higher duties performance to a range of staff over time;
- Succession Planning - building leadership and skills capability in a range of staff by offering opportunities for short-term temporary performance; and/or
- Availability - selecting an officer who is available to fulfil the duties of the position.
3.7 Processes used for selecting staff members for short-term temporary performance must be transparent and include one of the following options:
Calling for expressions of interest:
- From a narrow field of applicants, eg within the College/division and
- Selecting an applicant or applicants* to fill the position; or
-Setting up a small panel to select an applicant or applicants to fill the position. - From a broader work group, eg CIT/ACTPS wide and
- Selecting an applicant or applicants* to fill the position; or
- Setting up a small panel to select an applicant or applicants to fill the position.
* More than one applicant may be selected and rotated through the position
Undergoing advertising and merit selection through a selection panel; or
The delegate makes a temporary performance direction based on the most efficient person available.
Managers are encouraged to discuss process options with the relevant work team.
3.8 All those who submitted an expression of interest should be informed of the outcome prior to any public announcement
3.9 Staff members should be encouraged to seek feedback from the delegate and/or express any concerns they may have had about the process used and the decisions made in a selection process for short-term temporary performance.
General Provisions
3.10 If there are no staff members available who can perform all the duties of the position, a delegate may place a staff member in the position to perform part of the duties. When a staff member is placed on partial performance, the duty statement of the position should be attached to the temporary transfer form with the duties not being performed crossed out. The duty statement should be agreed to and signed by the delegate and the staff member.
3.11 Permanent staff (including staff on probation) and temporary staff may be considered to fill a position attracting higher duties allowance. If a temporary employee is selected, the direction to act shall not extend past the termination date of the existing temporary contract.
3.12 Casual staff are ineligible to undertake temporary performance.
3.13 If the temporary performance was expected to be less than 6 months but continues for more than 6 months, a new selection process is required in accordance with Principal 3.
3.14 Approval from the losing delegate must be obtained when a staff member has been selected for temporary performance from another college/division within CIT or from another Directorate within the ACTPS.
3.15 When general staff or teaching staff are selected for temporary performance, higher duties allowance will not be payable for periods of less than 5 consecutive days for classifications above the ASO6 and Teacher Level 1 classification. If the period of temporary performance is to exceed five consecutive days, then higher duties allowance is payable for the whole period.
3.16 A direction may be revoked or varied if:
- There is no longer any need for some or all of the duties to be performed;
- The permanent occupant of the position resumes duty before the expected return date; or
- The performance by the temporary occupant is unsatisfactory. If the temporary performance direction is revoked because of unsatisfactory work, the staff member should be given feedback on the reasons for the decision.
4. Documentation
Authority Source
- Public Sector Management Act 1994
- Public Sector Management Standards 2006
- ACT Public Sector Canberra Institute of Technology Enterprise Agreement 2013 – 2017
- ACT Public Sector Canberra Institute of Technology (Teaching Staff) Enterprise Agreement 2013-2017
Related Documents
- CIT Human Resources Delegations Manual 2008
Supporting Guide
5. Definitions
Enterprise Agreement - The ACT Public Service Canberra Institute of Technology (Teaching Staff) Enterprise Agreement 2011-2013, the ACT Public Service Canberra Institute of Technology Enterprise Agreement 2011-2013, or their successors
Merit Selection - A selection process that incorporates the principles of fairness and equity as outlined at Section 65 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994.
Short - term Temporary Performance - Temporary performance for 6 months or less (not appellable).
Long - term Temporary Performance - A temporary performance of more than 6 months.
6. Policy Contact Officer
Manager, Safety and Employment Relations.
Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email infoline@cit.edu.au for further information.
Policy No: 2020/186 Approved: January 2015 Next Review: December 2021 Category: Staff Policies, Corporate Policies Policy Owner: Executive Director, Corporate Services |
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