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Fees and Refunds Policy

1. Purpose

To ensure prospective and current students have access to accurate information about Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT):

  • fee structures and framework
  • rights and responsibilities relating to fee payments and refunds
  • payment plans, fee options and financial assistance
  • processing of student refunds (all student cohorts and categories of delivery).

2. Scope

Where this policy refers to CIT, it includes CIT Solutions.

This policy applies to staff involved in fee paying and refunding processes.

This policy applies to domestic student fees, refunds, payment plans and financial assistance options.

Payment plan and financial assistance may include tuition fees and materials fees.

This policy does not apply to fees paid by, or refunds due to, international students studying in Australia on a student visa. For international student fees and refunds, refer to International Students Administration and Fees Policy.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the Admission and Enrolment Policy and other CIT policies and procedures listed below.

This policy is informed by legislative, regulatory and internal business processes relating to fee setting and collection.

3. Principles

CIT is subject to ministerial guidelines relating to setting fees for government subsidised training courses (refer notifiable instrument Canberra Institute of Technology (Fees) Guideline (No 1)).

Students should make any applications for fee assistance or alternative payment arrangements before fees are due and paid, or prior to the Census Date (for eligible VET Student Loan courses).

Enrolment may be cancelled where students who do not pay their fees in full by the due date(s).

Fee-for service rates, for courses that are not government subsidised, are set by CIT.

CIT will:

  • collect fees once enrolment is confirmed and prior to:
    • commencement of the first unit of the course (for non-VET Student Loan courses)
    • Census Date, which usually occurs within 25 per cent (25%) of the duration of the unit of competency (for eligible VET Student Loan courses)
  • enable eligible students to apply for fee support before fees are due and paid including:
    • fee concessions
    • payment plans
    • fee assistance/specific scholarships
  • enable eligible students studying Government-subsidised courses, including Australian Apprenticeships, to access fee concessions
  • provide access to Australian Government student loan assistance to eligible students in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003, the Higher Education Support (VET) Guideline 2015, the VET Student Loans Rules 2016, and the VET Administrative Information for Providers
  • consider fee adjustments or refunds, where the student demonstrates exceptional circumstances
  • calculate the adjustment allowing for fees and materials applicable for the associated period of study, where fee adjustments or refunds are approved
  • have the discretion to apply administrative costs for processing fee adjustments or refunds
  • facilitate transfers to an equivalent course if CIT cancels or is unable to provide services for which the student has prepaid, at no additional cost
  • enable re-crediting of FEE-HELP balances in accordance with regulatory requirements and CIT VET Student Loans Policy
  • apply any credit on a student’s account to any current fees before any refund is issued
  • transfer the original student fees where a student transfers between courses/subjects in line with the Admission and Enrolment Policy
  • approve refunds for staff as students in accordance with CIT Financial Delegations
  • administer refunds within 10 working days of receiving all the required information.

3.1 Payment terms

Fees and payment due dates are listed on the student invoice.

Students who do not pay in full or make alternative arrangements in accordance with this policy, may have their enrolment cancelled.

Reinstatement of enrolment is dependent on full payment of all outstanding fees and adhering to the VET Student Loans Rules where applicable.

3.2 Fee concessions

Fee concessions are available to eligible students in Government-subsidised courses (including Australian Apprenticeships).

An application for a fee concession must be accompanied by current proof of eligibility at the time of enrolment.

Australian Apprentices are required to provide evidence of income, typically two consecutive payslips in the recent four- week period.

The following categories of Australian Government support enable eligibility for fee concession:

  • Youth Allowance
  • Newstart Allowance
  • ABSTUDY/Austudy
  • Pensioner Concession
  • Parenting Payment
  • Partner Allowance
  • Department of Veterans' Affairs Children's Education Scheme Allowance
  • Veterans' Affairs Service Pensioner Concession (Gold Card)
  • Widows Allowance
  • Other income support pensions which entitle the holder to a concession if the benefit meets the Centrelink income support means test criteria, including Low Income Health Care Card.

A fee concession representing fifty per cent (50%) will be applied to the total value of fees payable on enrolment. No other concession will apply.

Fee concessions will not apply to:

  • CIT Card replacement fee
  • material/resource fees
  • off campus activity fees
  • sponsors/third parties.

Where a student is unable to provide proof of eligibility for concession when fees are due based on Centrelink delays, CIT may, at its sole discretion, grant a limited extension of time beyond the date of a student’s first class for a semester for finalisation of an application for fee concession. Extensions of time will NOT be granted:

  • where there are delays due to typical and reasonable Centrelink processing times
  • in instances where the student is unable to provide proof that all Centrelink administrative requirements were met no later than two weeks before the commencement of the students first class for that enrolment.

3.3 Australian Government Student Loan Assistance (VET Student Loans and FEE-HELP)

CIT will offer Australian Government student loan assistance to eligible students enrolled in Australian Government student loan assistance courses in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003, the Higher Education Support (VET) Guideline 2015, the VET Student Loans Rules 2016, and the VET Administrative Information for Providers.

Prospective students wishing to apply for a VET Student Loan must meet the VET Student Loan academic suitability guidelines. Refer: VET Student Loan Policy and VET Student Loan Procedure.

A student who has elected to apply for Australian Government student loan assistance is deemed to have paid all fees in full:

  • to the limit and extent to which they have applied, and are eligible, for that assistance
  • on condition the student completes all required progression reports
  • excepting any fee which is not covered by Australian Government student loan assistance.

3.4 Payment plans

Payment plans are not fee assistance and should not be the first option offered when exploring financial assistance. If a student experiences genuine financial hardship, other assistance should be explored first to address the issue of affordability through reducing the total fee payable and not simply by deferring payment.

CIT recognises that payment plans can be problematic for students on limited means or those with limited financial literacy, and can cause negative impacts on the student beyond their relationship with CIT. CIT staff will ensure the student has filled out the required request form for a Payment Plan and that they have acknowledged they will be able to meet the repayments.

A payment plan will not be granted for amounts of less than $100, and the payment plan should not extend further than two weeks prior to the student’s final class for that enrolment.

A CIT student on an approved payment plan must make the required payments according to the agreed payment schedule.

A CIT student who does not maintain the agreed payment schedule will be deemed to have not met an enrolment requirement. Any payment plan payments made to date will be absorbed by CIT, and enrolment may be cancelled.

3.5 Withdrawals, fee refunds and credits

Refunds or credits will not be issued for students who withdraw from a course once it has commenced, or the census date has passed, unless exceptional circumstances apply. Students must provide evidence of the exceptional circumstances resulting in the withdrawal for a fee refund or credit to be approved.

Exceptional circumstances may include:

  • continuous absence linked to a medical certificate of a minimum of two continuous weeks (for courses of longer than six weeks in duration)
  • continuous absence linked to a medical certificate of at least 30 per cent (30%) of course where the course is less than six weeks duration
  • as recommended by the CIT Education Advisors (Disability), Counsellors or Senior Manager Student Support
  • interstate work transfer - to be substantiated by documentation from the employer
  • a significant change to their family situation such as the death of an immediate family member
  • to allow for transfer of enrolment to meet course structure requirements and course progression without penalty
  • an administrative error made by CIT that cannot otherwise be reasonably rectified.

Applications for refunds or fee credits must be received within two weeks of the notification of the withdrawal.

Fee refunds and credits relating to Australian Government student loan assistance amounts are subject to additional Commonwealth legislative and regulatory requirements and require approval by the Chief Finance Officer.

CIT will approve a full refund or credit of fees where:

  • CIT ceases to offer the services for which a student has registered and paid fees
  • a domestic student withdraws, and advises CIT of that withdrawal in writing:
    • before the invoice due date
    • before any applicable census date or
    • 10 working days or more before course commences
  • a student is granted a credit transfer for a unit/subject.

CIT will approve a refund or credit of 50 per cent (50%) of fees paid where a domestic student withdraws, and advises CIT of that withdrawal in writing within 10 working days prior to the date of classes commencing.

Any credit on a student’s account will be applied to any current fees before any refund is issued.

Where a refund is not approved, any credit will be retained on the student’s account for use against future enrolments.

Where a student has transferred between courses/subjects in line with the Admission and Enrolment Policy the original student fees will be transferred, provided that fee requirements are met before the transfer is finalised.

Refunds must be approved by appropriate CIT staff in accordance with the CIT Financial Delegations.

3.6 Staff studying at CIT

Current CIT staff (including non-permanent staff) can enrol in any course or unit of study where there are vacant places free-of-charge if the course is directly related to their employment requirements and identified in an approved Setting My Direction plan.

Paying students will always have priority for places over non-paying CIT staff, and a CIT staff member with a fee-free enrolment may have their enrolment cancelled at any time if that place is required for a paying student.

A teaching department can apply to the relevant College Director, for an exemption from fee-free staff enrolment. An exemption might be granted for a variety of reasons, including in cases where CIT would incur significant additional external costs from such enrolments.

3.7 Responsibilities

3.7.1 Student Services Officers

Student Services Officers are responsible for:

  • providing advice to applicants about the enrolment processes
  • assisting students to complete the application process for fee assistance
  • providing advice on fees and fee options
  • liaising with students about fee payment options
  • assisting students to complete Student Payment Plan Application form
  • liaising with students about applications for fee assistance, refunds or fee exemptions

3.7.2 Teaching Department Administrative Staff

Teaching Department Administrative Staff are responsible for:

  • providing advice on fees and fee options
  • sighting documentary evidence to determine compliance with course eligibility criteria
  • facilitating the timely processing of applications for refund where assistance is requested from a student initiating a withdrawal.

3.7.3 Student Support Fee Assistance Staff

Student Support Fee Assistance Staff are responsible for:

  • sighting evidence of prospective student’s eligibility for fee assistance and checking currency and validity of entitlement at the point of application
  • advising students about outcomes of applications for fee assistance and fee exemption.

3.7.4 Finance Officers

Finance Officers are responsible for ensuring refunds are processed in a timely manner.

4. Documentation

4.1 Related Legislation/Regulation

4.2 Related Policy and Procedures

4.3 Related Documents

5. Definitions

All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the CIT Definition of Terms. The following definitions are provided in the context of this policy.



Census Date

Is the final date a student is able to apply for a VET Student Loan/FEE-HELP assistance and the date a student incurs a VET Student Loan/FEE-HELP debt (the tuition fees) for the unit undertaken. In addition, the Census Date is the final date a student can withdraw without incurring a debt.

Fee Assistance

ACT Government Fee Assistance is available to help new and continuing students experiencing financial hardship to meet the costs of studying at CIT.

Fee Concession

Fee concessions are available to eligible enrolments as detailed in Canberra Institute of Technology (Fees) Guideline (No 1)

VET Student Loan

Vocational Education and Training Student Loans (VSL) is an Australian Government income contingent loan scheme for the vocational educational and training sector. VSL is part of the FEE-HELP arrangements.

VSL are only available for approved courses at the diploma level and above. VSL assist eligible students to pay for part or all their VET tuition fees while studying an eligible course.

Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) is approved by the Australian Government for VSL for certain qualifications.

6. Policy Contact Officer

For more information about this policy contact the office of the Chief Finance Officer or email

Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.

7. Procedures


Policy No: 2024/1079
Approved: October 2024
Next Review: September 2027
Category: Student Policies
Policy Owner: Executive Director, Education Futures and Students

Browse Policies
CIT Definition of Terms
CIT Governance Framework (PDF 381Kb)
Complaints Form
Client Service Charter (PDF 845Kb)
Student Code of Conduct (PDF 286Kb)
18 Oct 2024: Workplace Health and Safety Arrangements Policy
17 Oct 2024: Children at CIT Policy
17 Oct 2024: Smoke Free Policy
16 Oct 2024: Resulting Policy
15 Oct 2024: Fees and Refunds Policy