Casi Weber - Allied Health
I have studied a range of courses since leaving school, including food and beverage and massage therapy.
After completing my massage studies, I started my own massage business which I have now run for nine years.
Massage is quite demanding on the body, so I started looking into alternative career options. Being a contractor, I was also really looking for a more stable career.
I had a real interest in nutrition, so I decided to study the Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance, and I specialised in the speech pathology/nutrition and dietetics stream.
As I had done a large amount of study beforehand, I was able to get credit through CIT's Recognition of Prior Learning program. It was great because it meant I didn't have to study the subjects I had done before, which not only saved me a lot of time, but it reduced my workload and allowed me to continue working full time while studying.
I really enjoyed the course - my teachers were always really helpful and friendly, and the friends I made in class I'm still friends with now.
I found the training to be really practical, which is important in a hands-on area like allied health. In class we did a lot of training on classmates, and this meant I was a lot more confident by the time I had to treat real patients.
I now work full time as a nutrition assistant at Calvary Hospital, and I am also able to fit my massage work around my hours. I'm really glad I went back to study, and am really enjoying the balance between my two roles.