Roxanne Brown - CIT Yurauna Centre
I am a proud Muruwari woman. My people are from Brewarrina and I grew up in Cunnamulla, Queensland.
My background is in nursing. I originally trained as a nurse at Canberra Hospital and worked for Southern Area Health for 20 years in all aspects of nursing, including seven years working on the Drug Treatment Team.
I have also worked for nine years at Winnunga Aboriginal health Service as the manager of the Social Health Unit.
I am very new to CIT Yurauna Centre - I started in April 2013.
My role is as a teacher, teaching the Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs.
I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge and skills to our Aboriginal community which will equip the students to continue making a difference with our people.
I love everything about CIT Yurauna Centre, it is a very supportive environment where nothing is a problem for students or staff.