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Broderick Miller - Graphic Design

I was born, raised, and currently live, in Canberra. I have always enjoyed design, but it took me a while to take the leap to study it and follow design as a career path.

Broderick Miller
Broderick Miller, Graduate Graphic Design

I finally made the move to study design and pursue a career in this area when I realised I was really unsatisfied with the job I had.

I came to CIT to do the Advanced Diploma of Design - Graphic Design, and through that course, am finally on the right path to doing what I love.

I not only improved my skill set and employment opportunities, but I discovered self-fulfilment and a new group of friends. The course wasn't only a fun challenge but the excellent group of teachers encouraged and supported me along the way.

Now I've completed the course, I am qualified not only to work in graphic design - which is my passion - but I could also branch out into web design and digital media.

Since completing the course I have been accepted into the University of Canberra and thanks to advanced standing I will walk away with a Bachelor of Design in one year. My future plans include seeking employment with one of Canberra's many reputable design agencies.