Fee Payment Plans
If you are interested in requesting a payment plan you should do so at the time of enrolling and prior to the Fee Due Date on the Invoice. Payment Plans cannot be set up if the Fee Due Date has passed.
Payment plans can be set up to spread the cost of the study out across the timeline of the study. You have the choice of either weekly, fortnightly, or monthly instalment due dates.
You do need to be aware CIT does not direct debit. You must schedule payments yourself via your own internet banking or by credit card in CIT Self Service.
Payment plans are:
- available where fees total more than $100.00
- set up with specific regular due dates for payments. If these instalments are not met your enrolment will be cancelled.
You will be required to sign a Payment Plan Agreement acknowledging you can meet the financial obligations of the Agreement.
Eligibility Requirements
You can request a Payment Plan as a student if you are a:
- Standard student
- Full-fee student
- Australian Apprentice
- in receipt of a concession
International students requiring a payment plan will need to contact: ISU International Student Unit
How to apply
You can apply for a Payment Plan in person at any CIT Student Services or by completing the CIT Payment Plan Request Form.
For more information
- (02) 6207 3188
- infoline@cit.edu.au
- Visit CIT Student Services on campus