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Workplace Health and Safety Arrangements Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of the Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Arrangements Policy is to prescribe CITs, obligations in line with legislation to meet its duty of care (Work Health and Safety Act 2011). These arrangements outline what CIT has implemented to protect the health and safety of staff members, contractors, students, visitors, volunteers and third parties at or near the workplace.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all CIT staff (permanent, temporary and casual) and third parties (e.g. students, contractors and visitors).

3. Principles

CIT is committed to taking all reasonably practicable steps to provide a safe and healthy work environment for staff members, contractors, visitors, students, volunteers and third parties.

Effective management of WHS relies on the commitment and cooperation of all levels of management and staff throughout CIT.

CIT is committed to:

  • undertaking effective risk management activities within the work environment;
  • complying with relevant WHS Legislation, Regulations, Codes of Practice and Australian Standards;
  • ensuring plant, equipment and substances are safe and minimise risk to health when used properly;
  • providing all staff members with access to wellbeing initiatives;
  • maintaining safe systems, premises, plant and environment;
  • providing adequate facilities for the welfare of all staff members, students, volunteers contractors, visitors and third parties;
  • providing appropriate information, training instructions or supervision that is necessary to protect all persons from risks to their health and safety, enabling them to work in a safe and healthy manner;
  • consulting with all staff members and relevant stakeholders in a meaningful and effective manner regarding WHS issues; and
  • ongoing measurement, monitoring and continuous improvement of WHS performance.

Roles and Responsibilities

Consistent with ACTPS values, all officers and workers will promote an organisational culture that values WHS.  The following roles have specific responsibilities in relation to WHS obligations under the WHS Act 2011.

Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU)

CIT as the PCBU has the primary duty to ensure, so far as reasonably practical, the health and safety of:

  • workers engaged or caused to be engaged by CIT; or
  • workers whose activities in carrying out work are influenced or directed by CIT; or
  • other persons so as to not put them at risk from the work carried out as part of the conduct of CIT's business.

If CIT fails to take all reasonably practical steps with respect to any of the outlined responsibilities it may be in breach of the Work Health Safety Act 2011.


Officers within CIT must take reasonable steps to:

  • acquire and keep up to date knowledge of WHS matters;
  • gain an understanding of the nature of the operations of the business or undertaking of the CIT and generally of the hazards and risks associated with CIT operations;
  • ensure that CIT has available for use, and uses, appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety from work carried out by it;
  • ensure that CIT has appropriate processes for receiving and considering information regarding incidence, hazards and risks and responding in a timely way to that information;
  • ensure that CIT has, and implements, processes for complying with the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011; and
  • verifies the provision and use of these resources and processes.

If an officer fails to meet their legislated obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 they can be held personally responsible.


All workers have a responsibility to take all reasonably practicable steps to maintain their personal health and safety and that of those around them.

Workers are responsible for ensuring that their workplace is maintained in a safe and healthy manner by:

  • complying with WHS instructions, training, policies and procedures;
  • reporting any workplace hazards to their supervisor and/or their HSR;
  • maintaining the area in which they work in a safe and healthy manner for themselves, other workers and third parties;
  • using safe tools, equipment and systems of work to undertake their job;
  • using equipment in accordance with safe operating procedures (SOP) Safe Work Method (SWMS) and wearing appropriate PPE;
  • actively participating in the development and implementation of SOPs, SWMSs and WHS risk identification and risk management processes;
  • reporting immediately to their supervisor any injury/illness/incident that occurs at work or in the course of their employment and ensuring that a Riskman report form is submitted within the required timeframes;
  • contributing to audit, inspections and reviews;
  • cooperating with management to effectively manage WHS issues;
  • comply with lawful directions; and
  • report WHS matters to Facilities Management when applicable.

Contractors are also considered workers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. In addition to the above responsibilities a contractor is also responsible for:

  • completing CIT's contractor WHS Induction process;
  • ensuring that their electrical power tools are regularly tested and tagged in accordance with Australian Standard, AS3760;
  • ensuring that material safety data sheets are available and provided for any chemicals they use at or near the premises;
  • communicating any WHS concerns or issues back to the contract supervisor or project manager or Facilities Management; and
  • reporting all incidents or injuries to the Colleges that has engaged them.

A contractor attending CIT premises must be inducted in WHS processes.  This induction is provided by Facilities Management.  It is up to the College that has engaged the contractor to ensure that the induction is undertaken.

If a worker fails to meet their legislated obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 they can be held personally responsible.

Health and Safety Representatives

Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and Deputy HSRs are elected members of a Work Group (WG) whose role is to provide assistance and represent staff members within their WG on WHS related matters.

HSRs hold office for 3 years. CIT encourages, in line with best practice, that nominated staff attend approved training within the first 3 months of being elected.

The role of an HSR involves:

  • liaising with management and CIT Human Resources to assist in resolving workplace health and safety issues;
  • representing workers on health and safety issues and consulting with managers on planned workplace changes;
  • investigating WHS hazards;
  • performing inspections for the WG they are representing; and
  • performing all functions in line with the HSR factsheet.

HSRs elections are held on a 3 yearly basis and therefore all HSR positions are declared vacant after this period of time.  If a HSR moves WGs or leaves CIT we will work with the relevant work group to identify a replacement.

If one or more representative nominates to represent the same Work Group, CIT WHS will run an election process for that WG.  The Election process will occur in a reasonable timeframe after the decision to hold an election has been agreed.

CIT Workplace Health and Safety Team

CIT WHS team has been established to provide advice and assistance to officers and workers to support them in ensuring that they meet their legislative obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.

The team is responsible for the indicative functions below such as:

  • developing and disseminating WHS procedures and policy;
  • consulting with Workers/Health and Safety Representatives/First Aid Officers and providing advice and assistance where appropriate on WHS matters, the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and its associated Regulations, Standards and Codes of Practice;
  • providing advice and assistance on WHS risk management principles and their implementation as part of the WHS Risk Management procedure;
  • developing and delivery of WHS training and induction;
    investigating notifiable incidents. CIT WHS may be asked to investigate other incidents to control/reduce or eliminate risks;
  • initiating and coordinating prevention activities or assisting work groups to do so;
  • reporting to BOM and the Audit committee on WHS issues and informing Directors network of such issues;
  • initiating, developing and oversighting the WHS governance structure (excluding emergency personnel as managed by Facilities Management);
  • facilitating assessments, inspections and audits of the workplace;
  • liaising with and reporting to Worksafe ACT, Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Directorate (CMTEDD), ACT Planning Authority and ACTEWAGL;
  • maintaining records relating to WHS and Injury Management; and
  • reporting notifiable incidents to the CEO.

Workplace Health and Safety Policy Committee

The CIT's Workplace Health and Safety Policy Committees (WHSPC) is a joint consultative body established to assist the CIT in providing a safe and healthy workplace for its staff.

The role of the committee is to foster a cooperative and consultative relationship between management, staff, unions and students for the purpose of developing and maintaining a position of excellence in injury prevention and management.

The WHSPC will:

  • advise the Board of Management (BOM) on appropriate measures for developing and maintaining a position of excellence in injury prevention and management (IPM);
  • oversight the Institute's Safety Management System;
  • monitor the effectiveness of all IPM initiatives, policies and procedures;
  • review IPM statistical data and advise BOM on appropriate responses;
  • resolve health and safety matters that have not previously been resolved at the relevant campus based workplace health and safety (WHSC) committee;
  • consider initiatives/issues raised at campus based WHS meetings for application across the Institute; and
  • assist with the dissemination of information that relates to injury prevention and management.

Workplace Health and Safety Campus based Committees

Workplace Health and Safety Committees (WHSC) have been established at CIT Bruce, CIT Fyshwick and CIT Reid.

The role of the committee is to foster a cooperative and consultative relationship between management, staff and unions on workplace health and safety issues that arise on the relevant campus.

The committees will:

  • facilitate co-operation between CIT and employees in initiating, developing, carrying out and monitoring measures designed to ensure the health and safety of CIT's employees on a particular campus;
  • assist in the resolution of issues relating to workplace health and safety that arise in the workplace;
    to assist in the development, review and distribution of workplace health and  safety practices, procedures and policies;
  • assist in resolving health and safety matters within Work Groups;
  • advise the Workplace Health Safety & Policy Committee (WHSPC) on matters that are unable to be resolved at WHSC level or where it may be necessary to engage an WHS specialist to assist in the resolution of an issue or risk;
  • to undertake all reasonably practicable measures for developing and maintaining a position of excellence in injury prevention and management (IPM);
  • review IPM statistical data and provide advice on appropriate responses; and
  • consider initiatives/issues raised at WHS Committee meetings for application across the CIT.

CIT will be set up additional WHS Committee within 2 months of a request from either 5 or more workers or an HSR if there is not an applicable WHS Committee.


The Unions will cooperate with and actively assist CIT and its workers to meet WHS obligations.

The unions will:

  • inform managers and/or CIT WHS of WHS issues/hazards;
  • provide advice on resolution of WHS issues to its members;
  • actively encourage members to follow agreed safe work practices;
  • work with managers to ensure timely election of HSRs; and
  • participate as a non-voting member of the Work Health and Safety Policy committee.

WorkSafe ACT

WorkSafe ACT's role is to enforce the Territory's health and safety laws through a mixture of education and compliance activities.

Safety Support Team, Injury Management and Safety, Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate

The Safety Support Team assists CIT in implementing effective, efficient and systematic health and safety (H&S) practices and processes that meet legislative requirements and achieve sustained improvement in health and safety performance.

The Safety Support Team also deliver specialist advice, education and technical support to assist CIT in meeting its health and safety obligations.

Work Health and Safety Arrangements


Consultation on WHS matters, occurs for all workers through the following CIT mechanisms:

  • Information provided at local College/Divisional meetings;
  • Health and Safety Representative, First Aid Officer network meetings;
  • Safetybyte (emails) to all workers for information and policy/procedure consultation/feedback
  • Focus groups
  • Board of Management meetings
  • Directors Network and People Committee Meetings
  • Campus based WHS committee meetings; and
  • WHS Policy Committee meetings.

Work Groups

CIT is responsible for the establishment of and variation to the WG structure.  This structure is endorsed by the Work Health and Safety Policy Committee (WHSPC).

  • Each Work Group is represented by an HSR and where possible a Deputy HSR.
  • Work Groups are determined by negotiation between CIT and HSRs
  • Work groups are determined in a way that most effectively represents and safeguards the WHS interests of workers: and
  • Workers will be notified of the outcome of negotiations on WGs.

CIT Human Resources may be requested by the Chief Executive, BOM, WHSPC or Campus Based WHS Committee to review the WG arrangements at any time.

Dispute Resolution

Any disputes in relation to WHS matters should in the first instance be resolved at the appropriate level in the WHS governance structure which is as follows:

  1. Manager;
  2. HSR;
  3. Campus Based WHS Committee; and
  4. WHSPC

Where a WHS issue cannot be resolved through this mechanism the Dispute Avoidance/Settlement Procedure located in CIT's Enterprise Agreements should be utilised.

WHS Resources

Where there is an identified WHS risk that affects the entire organisation, CIT is responsible for meeting the costs of any measures needed to reduce or eliminate the risk.

If the WHS risk is College or Division based, then the relevant College/Division is responsible for meeting the cost from its own budget.

Incident/Accident Notification

Please refer to Workplace Health and Safety forms on SIS for information on the incident/accident notification process.  Once all forms have been filled in please send them to CIT Human Resources at WorkplaceHealth&

In the case of a serious event an accident/ incident investigation may be required. Please refer to this policy for details Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigation.

Hazard Reporting

Where a worker identifies a hazard, the following action should be taken:

  • If the hazard is minor, initially seek to rectify the hazard as soon as possible.
  • If the hazard is unable to be rectified or is of a more serious nature, then complete the Hazard Alert Form and forward to your supervisor. Where necessary also notify your HSR.
  • If the supervisor or HSR is unable to rectify the hazard they should immediately refer the matter to CIT Human Resources.
  • Major hazards- in the case of a major hazard, workers should inform their supervisor, HSR, and CIT Human Resources immediately and then complete the Hazard Alert Form and provide to CIT Human Resources.

    CIT Human Resources will use the information provided by staff members about hazards to establish a preventative framework and monitor trends in the Institute. To report these hazards to CIT Human Resources please forward the Hazard Alert Form by email to WorkplaceHealth&

For building related issues (air conditioning problems, equipment request, or broken infrastructure) a BEIMS request for services (located on your computer desktop and managed by Facilities Management) should be lodged to have the situation rectified.

Workplace Health and Safety Management Framework

The CIT has a comprehensive WHS Management Framework. Part of this framework is made up of policies, procedures, forms and resources. All WHS information can be located on the SIS.

Certain aspects of CIT's WHS Management Framework is located on the Chief Ministers and Treasury Directorate Customer Portal (internal access only).

4. Documentation

Authority Source

  1. Work Health and Safety Act 2011

Related Documents

  1. Riskman System
  2. Accident/Incident reporting and investigation policy and procedure

5. Definitions

Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) - ACT Health and Safety legislation that applies to CIT as an ACT Employer. Implemented and regulated by Worksafe ACT.

Board of Management (BOM) - Board of Management within CIT.  BOM membership is made up of:

  • Chief Executive;
  • Executives;
  • General Manager CIT Solutions, and
  • Two College Directors (on a rotational basis).

Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate - Directorate within ACT Government who develop and implement  policies and procedures that are implemented across government.

Worker - A person is a worker if the person carries out work in any capacity for a person conducting a business or undertaking, including work as – an employee, contractor or subcontractor, apprentice, volunteer.

Officer - In CIT the following positions have been identified as officers; Chief Executive, Executives, College Directors.  However other individuals within CIT may also be considered officers. An officer can also be a person who makes, or participates in making, decisions that affect the whole, or a substantial part, of a business or undertaking of the Territory.

Health and Safety Representative (HSR) - Health and Safety Representative, elected by staff to represent them in Workplace Health and Safety matters.

Persons conducting Business or Undertaking (PCBU) - Person conducting a Business or Undertaking has the primary duty of care in relation to health and safety of workers. A 'person' is defined in laws dealing with interpretation of legislation to include a body corporate (company), unincorporated body or association and a partnership. Accordingly, CIT is identified as the PCBU.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is safety clothing and equipment for specified circumstances or areas, where the nature of the work involved or the conditions under which people are working, requires it’s wearing or use for their personal protection to minimise risk.

Work Health and Safety (WHS) - Work Health and Safety (WHS) replaces Occupational Health and Safety (OHS).

Work Group (WG) - Work Group replaces Designated Work Group (DWG).  A Work Group is a location within CIT made up of a group of workers which is represented by a Health and Safety Representative.

6. Policy Contact Officer

Director, CIT Human Resources.

Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.

Policy No: 2017/486
Approved: October 2014
Next Review: December 2021
Category: Student Policies, Staff Policies, Corporate Policies
Policy Owner: Executive Director, Corporate Services

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