Training and Assessment Policy
1. Purpose
To ensure Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT):
- achieves strategic goals
- meets the needs of all stakeholders
- continually improves the educational quality of courses, programs and services
- is cognisant of First Nations histories and cultures
- supports First Nation learners
- supports culturally and linguistically diverse learners
- uses the principles of universal design for learning (UDL) to design and deliver education, training and assessment in a safe and supportive environment that is:
- responsive to students and industry
- accessible
- relevant
- valued
- inclusive.
- continually improves the educational quality of courses, programs and services.
2. Scope
Where this policy refers to CIT, it includes CIT Solutions.
This policy applies to all CIT staff and all nationally accredited vocational education and training products.
3. Principles
CIT is committed to and guided by the principles of learner-centred and quality assured training and assessment, appropriate to the needs of students, industry, community and government.
CIT meets the requirements of relevant legislation and regulatory frameworks (refer to section 5).
To achieve this, CIT will:
- develop training and assessment strategies (TAS) that respond to employers’ and students’ needs
- provide meaningful and engaging learning experiences using learner-centred design
- design clear and accessible learning pathways that foster lifelong learning
- implement strategies for industry engagement and use data to ensure the industry relevance of:
- educational practices and resources
- educators’ currency and competence
- provide sufficient, accurate and accessible information to ensure students select a suitable learning pathway
- determine the support needs of individual students, and provide access to relevant educational and support services, to assist students to meet training and assessment requirements
- implement a quality assured assessment system (including Recognition of Prior Learning) that:
- meets workplace and relevant regulatory requirements
- is conducted in accordance with the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence
- is inclusive and supports equity principles
- includes reasonable adjustments aligned to the principles of universal design for learning, where necessary, to minimise disadvantage to individuals or groups without compromising the integrity of the competency standard
- systematically validate assessment practices and tools
- ensure training and assessment is delivered by educators who meet the requirements of Schedule 1 of the Standards for RTOs 2015 and:
- vocational competency at least to the level being delivered and assessed
- current industry skills, directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided
- current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning to inform their training and assessment
- enable Industry experts to assist in training delivery and/or the assessment judgement, working alongside the educator to conduct the training and/or assessment.
- implement trainer under supervision plans for trainers who are not qualified but meet the requirements of the Standards for RTOs 2015 for conducting training under supervision
- transition students from superseded nationally accredited training products in accordance with the Standards for RTOs 2015 and enable students to graduate with a qualification that meets current industry skill needs
- ensure a transparent complaints process is in place and accessible by all students
- authenticate and recognise all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Statements of Attainment and Records of Results issued by other Australian RTOs when used as evidence for Credit Transfer or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
- issue AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment only to students who meet the requirements of a nationally accredited training product
- systematically monitor and evaluate delivery of services for quality assurance, and to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and regulations
- promote and implement continuous improvement processes for training and assessment practices.
3.1 Roles and Responsibilities
3.1.1 Chief Executive Officer
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for:
- ensuring an organisational culture of continuous improvement
- achieving the CIT strategic goals
- organisational compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements
- ensuring the requirements are met for CIT to be registered as a training provider.
3.1.2 Executive Director, Education Futures and Students
The Executive Director, Education Futures and Students, is responsible for:
- overseeing the systematic establishment and review of CIT policies and procedures related to training and assessment
- establishing quality assurance mechanisms
- ensuring delivery of quality assured, nationally accredited training
- embedding continuous improvement processes into the design and implementation of all training and assessment practices
- enabling a student-centred training and assessment system while meeting obligations to students and clients required by all relevant legislation and regulations.
3.1.3 Education Design and Delivery Lead
The Education Design and Delivery Lead is responsible for:
- leading the design and delivery of quality education and training courses based on the principles of universal design for learning, inclusivity and equity, and adherence to CIT policies and practices
- leading practices to ensure educator capability and currency and effective training product implementation
- working collaboratively across CIT to build and share an understanding, commitment, and capability to implement future-focused teaching and learning
- leading development of high-quality learning resources and delivery options
- ensuring CIT training and assessment strategies are responsive to industry and student needs
- reporting to Academic Council and other related CIT governance committees.
3.1.4 Senior Education Leader
The Senior Education Leader is responsible for:
- working collaboratively across CIT to build and share an understanding, commitment, and capability to implement future-focused teaching and learning
- ensuring a robust, quality assured assessment system underpins all training and assessment
- systematically monitoring and evaluating delivery of services for quality assurance and to ensure compliance with all relevant legislation and regulations
- promoting and implementing continuous improvement processes for training and assessment practice
- reporting to Academic Council and other related CIT governance committees.
3.1.5 College Directors
College Directors are responsible for:
- ensuring training and assessment meet the requirements of all relevant legislation and regulations
- providing sufficient, accurate and accessible information to ensure selection of the most suitable training and assessment pathways across the college portfolio
- monitoring staff development, and ensuring staff are sufficiently supported and trained
- ensuring training and assessment:
- is conducted in accordance with the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence
- is based on the principles of universal design for learning, inclusion and equity
- includes reasonable adjustment to minimise disadvantage to individuals or groups, without compromising the integrity of the competency standard
- systematically validating assessment practices and assessment tools
- transitioning students from superseded qualifications into replacement qualifications in accordance with the Standards for RTOs 2015
- recognising AQF Statements of Attainment and Records of Results issued by other Australian RTOs, when used as evidence for Credit Transfer
- ensuring the storage of student assessments in accordance with legislative, regulatory and CIT policy requirements
- making records and documents available on request to internal and external audit teams
- meeting internal and external audit rectification requirements in a timely manner
- monitoring and evaluating delivery of services
- promoting and implementing continuous improvement processes for education, training and assessment, including the Program Review and Improvement (PRI) process
- reporting to Academic Council, and other CIT governance committees, as required.
3.1.6 Heads of Department
Heads of Department are responsible, within their portfolio, for:
- ensuring training and assessment meet the requirements of all relevant legislation and regulations
- enabling students to access CIT educational and support services to assist them to meet the requirements of nationally accredited training
- implementing industry engagement strategies that support high-quality and relevant training
- systematically using the outcome of that industry engagement to ensure the industry relevance of:
- educational practices and resources
- educators’ currency and competence
- providing sufficient, accurate and accessible information to ensure students can select suitable training and assessment pathways
- determining the support needs of individual students, and provide access to relevant educational and support services to assist students to meet training and assessment requirements
- implementing an assessment system that ensures all assessment (including Recognition of Prior Learning):
- complies with the assessment requirements of the relevant nationally accredited training course
- meets workplace and relevant legislative and regulatory requirements
- is conducted in accordance with the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence
- is inclusive and supports equity principles
- includes reasonable adjustment to minimise disadvantage to individuals or groups without compromising the integrity of the competency standard
- systematically validating assessment practices and tools
- monitoring staff professional development
- ensuring training and assessment is delivered only by educators who have:
- vocational competences at least to the level being delivered and assessed
- current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided
- current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs their training and assessment
- implementing trainer under supervision plans for trainers who are not qualified but meet the requirements of the Standards for RTOs 2015 for conducting training under supervision
- promoting and implementing continuous improvement processes for education, training and assessment practice.
3.1.7 Educators
Educators are responsible for:
- ensuring quality assurance and compliance with the Standards for RTOs 2015, and other relevant legislation/regulatory frameworks, including but not limited to:
- delivering high quality training to CIT students
- undertaking relevant professional development
- maintaining vocational and industry currency and competency
- using feedback to improve teaching and learning practices
- planning and designing assessments and learning materials individually or as teams
- conducting and reviewing assessment and delivery methods
- actively participating in assessment validation
- facilitating learning that aligns with industry needs and expectations
- reviewing, updating and/or developing all training and assessment materials required for delivery, in accordance with relevant processes and procedures
- completing results for all students in required timeframes
- promoting and implementing continuous improvement processes for education, training and assessment practice.
3.1.8 Manager Awards and Programs
The Manager, Awards and Programs, is responsible for:
- issuing AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment in accordance with the Standards for RTO 2015 only to students who meet the requirements of a nationally accredited training product within required timeframes
- managing CIT’s delegated scope of registration and ensuring extension to scope of registration processes are completed in time to enable student transition
- ensuring all courses on CIT’s scope of registration are built into the Student Information System (BANNER) in a timely way.
4. Documentation
4.1 Related Legislation/Regulation
- National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
- Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
- Standards for Registered Training Organisations Amendment (VET Workforce Support) Instrument 2024
- Canberra Institute of Technology Act 1987
- Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Framework
- ACT Standards for Delivery of Training 2016
- ACT Quality Framework 2022
- Disability Standards for Education 2005
4.2 Related Policy and Procedures
- Admissions and Enrolment Policy
- Advertising, Marketing and Program Information for Students Policy
- Assessment Policy
- Assessment Appeals Policy
- Assessment Validation Procedure
- Student and Community Members Complaint Policy
- Course Transition Policy
- Course Closure Procedure
- Credit Transfer Policy
- Amendment to Scope of Registration Policy
- Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure
- Trainer Working Under Supervision Procedure
- Training and Assessment Strategy Development Policy
- Training and Assessment Strategy Development Procedure
- Training and Assessment Strategy Review and Approval Procedure
- Educator Competency and Currency Policy
- Industry and Community Engagement (Training and Assessment) Procedure
4.3 Related Documents
- CIT Quality Framework
- Course Transition Plan
- Trainer Under Supervision Record
- Disability Access Plan
5. Definitions
All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the CIT Definitions of Terms. The following terms are provided in the context of this policy.
ACT Standards for Delivery of Training (ACT Standards) | Schedule to the ACT Training Initiative Funding Agreement (TIFA). Mandatory standards for RTO management and delivery of training in the ACT. |
CIT Staff | Any person employed by CIT, on contract to CIT, or employed by Shared Services ICT and embedded in CIT. |
Industry Experts | Industry expert means an individual who has relevant specialised industry or subject matter expertise who is engaged by the RTO on the basis of that expertise. Industry experts must have relevant vocational competencies and have current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided. |
Learner-centred design | Learner-centred design puts the learner’s experience foremost in the design of the learning materials. A learner-centric approach creates a relevant, engaging, and personalised learning experience. |
Supervision | An arrangement where an educator, not meeting the minimum qualifications as a trainer and assessor under Schedule 1 or the Standards for RTOs 2015, teaches under the supervision of a suitably qualified educator. The educator under supervision will not act as an assessor. |
Transition | The process under a Transition Plan to enable a student to complete training and assessment where a training product has been superseded, removed or deleted from the National Register. |
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) | Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles for curriculum development that gives all individuals equal opportunities to learn. UDL On Campus: About UDL ( |
Validation | Validation is the quality review of the assessment process. It involves checking that assessment tool/s produce/s valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence, to enable reasonable judgements about whether nationally accredited training course requirements are met. It includes reviewing a statistically valid sample of assessments, making recommendations for improving the assessment tools, process and/or outcomes, and implementing recommendations. |
6. Policy Contact Officer
Office of Education Futures and Students.
Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.
7. Procedures
This policy is implemented through the associated procedures. Authority to make changes to the procedures rests with the policy owner.
Policy No: CIT2023/1700 Approved: April 2024 Next Review: April 2025 Category: Training Policies Policy Owner: Executive Director, Education Futures and Students |
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Browse Policies CIT Definition of Terms CIT Governance Framework (PDF 381Kb) Complaints Form Client Service Charter (PDF 845Kb) Student Code of Conduct (PDF 286Kb) |
25 Feb 2025: Assessment Validation Policy 24 Feb 2025: Assessment Policy 20 Feb 2025: Student Conduct Policy 07 Feb 2025: Children at CIT Policy 07 Feb 2025: International Students on Student Visas Policy |