Student Defence Force Reservist Policy
1. Purpose
To ensure Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) students who are members of the Australian Defence Forces Reserve are not disadvantaged academically or financially as a consequence of their participation in Defence Forces Reserve activities.
2. Scope
Where this policy refers to CIT, it includes CIT Solutions.
All CIT enrolled students who are members of the Australian Defence Forces Reserve and all courses offered by CIT.
3. Principles
3.1 Academic Considerations
A student, as a volunteer member of the Australian Defence Forces Reserve, might be granted special consideration with regard to attendance and assessment requirements when required to attend one or more Defence Forces camps or training courses in a year.
An application for special consideration to the College Director must be accompanied by a statement signed by an authorised officer of the Australian Defence Force Reserve, detailing the times when Reservist activities as scheduled.
A student Defence Forces Reservist, who is called upon for full-time service (i.e. as part of a peacekeeping or humanitarian aid operation), will provide the College Director with a statement signed by an authorised officer of the Australian Defence Forces Reserve detailing the expected duration of service.
An application for special consideration may include:
- the student applying for additional time to complete assessment requirements
- a variation to the due date for submission of an assessment task on the grounds of being required to attend Defence Forces Reserve training.
Written applications for special consideration regarding assessment requirements shall be submitted to the College Director as soon as possible before the due date of the submission of the assessment task.
Written applications for special consideration regarding attendance for end of subject examination (where applicable), where the student is unable to attend due to Defence Forces Reserve training, shall be submitted to the College Director within 10 business days of the date of the examination. College Directors may approve granting of a special examination.
Where a student’s Defence Forces Reserve service commitments impact negatively upon their attendance and assessment performance, a written application may be made to the College Director to withdraw from the course without academic penalty. Such written requests must be submitted before the end date for the subject.
The College Director will ensure that relevant educators are notified of the approved absence and that the student is not disadvantaged in terms of any compulsory attendance requirements.
Where possible educators will arrange to provide learning materials in alternative formats if the student is unable to attend face-to-face classes during their Defence Force Reserve activity.
3.2 Financial Considerations
In the event a student is forced to defer or withdraw from study to undertake full-time Defence Force service, CIT will refund the student's FEE-HELP/VET Student Loan for the relevant units, if the withdrawal occurs after the Census date.
In the event a student is forced to defer or withdraw from study to undertake full-time service, CIT will refund the student's FEE-HELP/VET Student Loan for the relevant subjects, if the withdrawal occurs after the Census date (refer VET Student Loans Policy and Procedure).
In the event a student Reservist is forced to defer or withdraw from study to undertake full-time service, CIT will refund the student’s fees for the relevant subjects.
3.3 Responsibilities
3.3.1 Students
Students as Defence Force Reservists are responsible for making applications for special consideration in a timely manner.
3.3.2 College Director
The College Director is responsible for:
- accepting applications from student Defence Forces Reservists for special consideration
- reviewing applications and ensuring supportive evidence is provided in writing on Defence Force letterhead by an authorised officer of the Defence Forces Reserve
- considering applications for special consideration in a timely manner and advising the student Defence Force Reservist of the outcome
- ensuring relevant educators are notified of the approved absence and that the student is not disadvantaged in terms of any compulsory attendance requirements.
3.3.3 Educators
Educators are responsible for arranging, where possible, learning materials in alternative formats if the student is unable to attend face-to-face classes during their Defence Force Reserve activity.
4. Documentation
4.1 Related Legislation/Regulation
4.2 Related Policy and Procedures
4.3 Related Documents
5. Definitions
All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the CIT Definitions of Terms.
6. Policy Contact Officer
Executive Director, Education Futures and Students.
Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.
7. Procedures
Policy No: CIT2024/617 Approved: April 2024 Next Review: April 2027 Category: Training Policies Policy Owner: Executive Director, Education Futures and Students |
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