Sponsorship Policy
1. Purpose
This policy supports the development of beneficial links between CIT and business through sponsorship.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all CIT employees relating to incoming or outgoing sponsorships including external organisations seeking sponsorships from CIT.
It provides a framework for CIT to maximise opportunities, by enabling sponsorship proposals to be assessed fairly and equally, and by ensuring CIT maximises the full potential benefit from any sponsorship arrangement into which it enters.
3. Principles
3.1 Sponsorship is the negotiated provision of funds, in kind support in exchange for advertising, publicity or other benefits.
3.2 CIT may seek additional resources or services through incoming or outgoing sponsorship to support events or activities.
3.3 The sponsorship activity will be consistent with the values, corporate purpose and goals of CIT and the ACT Government.
3.4 The goal of CIT's sponsorships is to connect with target audiences in ways that reinforce meaningful and positive perceptions of CIT by engaging the community, supporting the brand and increasing student enrolments and new business.
3.5 Sponsorship is an important tool for demonstrating CIT's citizenship and brand credentials, raising awareness and profile, accessing target markets and engaging with communities.
3.6 Sponsorship agreements will not:
- limit or direct academic debate in the classroom;
- influence CIT courses or programs; or
- compromise the professional standards and ethics of staff.
3.7 Sponsorship does not include:
- program-based grants or other forms of grant support (these are executed using a Deed of Grant);
- donations or gifts which impose no obligations on the recipient;
- joint ventures or partnership arrangements, in which associated risks are shared between CIT and commercial partners; or
- consultancies or scholarships.
3.8 All sponsorship money becomes money of CIT and will be treated in accordance with the CIT Finance Policy and Financial Delegations.
3.9 CIT is guided by the Sponsorship in the public sector (Independent Commission Against Corruption, 2006) ten sponsorship principles.
3.10 The provisions of the ACTPS Code of Ethics 2010 as outlined at Section 9 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 sets out the general standards of conduct expected of CIT employees.
3.11 CIT staff must not individually benefit as a result of sponsorship.
3.12 CIT staff will not actively recommend or endorse a product or service and no statement in the sponsor's advertising should imply that CIT recommends or endorses a product or service.
3.13 Acceptance of a sponsor's product or service must not be made a condition for student or staff participation in the sponsored activity or program.
3.14 The CIT Board retains the right to decide whether to participate or not in system wide sponsorship.
3.15 There may be mutual benefits in CIT and businesses entering arrangements with a view to improving outcomes for students, CIT and CIT stakeholders. These arrangements can involve the provision of funds or services to CIT in return for acknowledgement or recognition.
3.16 Sponsorship is viewed as a supplement, rather than a permanent or major source of funds.
3.17 Final authority over any sponsorship agreement, sponsorship contract or full legal contract above $10,000 rests with the Chief Executive Officer in line with the CIT Financial Delegations and Sponsorship Procedure
4. Documentation
Financial Management Act 1996 (ACT)
Public Sector Management Act 1994 Section 9 – Public sector conduct
Related Policies and Information
Sponsorship in the public sector Independent Commission Against Corruption (2006).
5. Definitions
All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the CIT Definitions of Terms.
6. Policy Contact Officer
Executive Officer, Industry Engagement and Strategic Relations on 6207 4877.
Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email infoline@cit.edu.au for further information.
7. Procedures
This policy is implemented through the associated procedures. Authority to make changes to the procedures rests with the policy owner.
Policy No: CIT2019/1729 Approved: August 2020 Next Review: July 2024 Category: Student Policies Policy Owner: Executive Director, Industry Engagement and Strategic Relations |
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