Smoke Free Policy
1. Purpose
To provide a safe and supportive work and study environment that promotes healthy lifestyle choices for staff, students and visitors which is free from the harmful effects of both active and passive smoking.
2. Scope
All CIT staff, students, contractors, clients and visitors at all CIT campuses including CIT owned Student Accommodations.
The CIT Smoke Free policy also applies to student or staff engaged in off-campus activities where smoking is also banned by law such as outdoor eating and drinking areas, at underage music/dance functions and in cars when children under the age of 16 years are present. For further information see the Smoke-Free Public Places Act 2003 and Smoking in Cars with Children (Prohibition) Act 2011.
3. Principles
3.1 CIT recognises that the health, safety and welfare of its staff, students, contractors and visitors are of primary importance and will ensure that all practicable means are applied to ensure a smoke-free environment.
3.2 Staff and students are required to remove themselves beyond the boundary of a CIT campus in order to smoke (see definition of smoke below in 5. Definitions).
3.3 The smoking of illicit substances is prohibited on CIT grounds, including CIT owned student accommodation facilities.
3.4 CIT managers and supervisors will ensure that staff, students, contractors and visitors are aware of and comply with this policy. Where non-compliance occurs they should direct the person to cease immediately.
3.5 CIT managers and staff have a duty or care to manage risk and if they are aware of another staff member, students, contractors or visitors in breach of this policy they should request the person to cease immediately.
3.6 In case of non-compliance with this policy by CIT staff, CIT staff may be investigated for misconduct which may result in disciplinary action as provided for in the relevant enterprise agreement.
3.7 In case of non-compliance with this policy by CIT students, they may be investigated for a breach of the CIT Student Code of Conduct and Unsatisfactory Student Behaviour Policy.
4. Documentation
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Smoking in Cars with Children (Prohibition) Act 2011
Smoke-Free Public Places Act 2003
Magistrates Court (Litter Infringement Notices) Regulation 2004
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011
AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management - Principles and Guidelines
ACTPS Non-Executive Passenger and Light Commercial Vehicle Management Guidelines
Smoke-free Environments, ACT Health
ACTPS Alcohol and other drugs policy
5. Definitions
Smoke - Direct inhalation or puffing of smoke or vapour of a substance prepared for human consumption including a substance containing a drug, tobacco, herb or other plant matter. For this definition of smoke, a person directly inhales if the smoke is inhaled through a device designed for the inhalation of smoke or vapour by a smoker; or holding or having control over such a device while it is ignited or activated.
Contractors - In this policy, means any individual, corporation, partnership or association, institution or other entity that is the party to supply materials or labour through an agreement or consultancy process to CIT.
Officers - In CIT the following positions have been identified as officers; Chief Executive, Executives, College Directors. However other individuals within CIT may also be considered Officers. An Officer can also be a person who makes, or participates in making decisions that affect the whole or a substantial part, of business or undertaking of the Territory.
Tobacco - Includes any of various plants of the genus Nicotiana, especially N. tabacum, native to tropical America and widely cultivated for their leaves, which are used primarily for smoking. These leaves are dried and processed chiefly for use in cigarettes, cigars, or other smoking devices.
Worker - Means an individual who carries out work in relation to a business or undertaking, whether for reward or otherwise, under the arrangement with the person conducting the business or undertaking.
6. Policy Contact Officer
Senior Manager, Safety Employment Relations.
Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.
7. Procedures
This policy extends smoking restriction to the places outlined by the boundary (red line below) in order that all staff, students, contractors and visitors of the CIT are protected from the hazards of tobacco smoke.
Attachment A
Policy No: 2016/2169 Approved: December 2016 Next Review: May 2021 Category: Student Policies, Staff Policies, Corporate Policies Policy Owner: Executive Director, Corporate Services |
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