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Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Compliance Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of the Compliance Policy is to demonstrate Canberra Institute of Technology’s commitment to ongoing compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, the Revised Standards once implemented, and the National Code for Providers of Services to Overseas Students (‘the National Code’), support and facilitate good governance, develop and promote a culture that values compliance and enable continuous improvement of practices that support and promote in compliance.

2. Scope

This Policy applies across the Institute to all staff, approved third parties, accredited programs and students in those accredited programs.

3. Principles

CIT's Commitment to effective compliance is demonstrated by:

  • Endorsement and active support by the Board, Executive Management Committee, Academic Council, and Audit and Risk Committee for all compliance activities;
  • This Policy, which is aligned to CIT's strategic and operational objectives and is endorsed by the Board;
  • Allocation of appropriate resources across CIT, to develop, implement, maintain, monitor and improve the RTO compliance;
  • Identification and assessment of compliance obligations using a risk management methodology;
  • Development and maintenance of a CIT Compliance Obligations Register; and
  • Monitoring of ongoing compliance by the Board.

CIT’s compliance with the Standards for RTOs 2015 and the National Code is fundamental to support our ability to deliver positive outcomes for our learners and community

All CIT staff members are responsible for monitoring CIT’s compliance with the legislation and reporting areas of non-compliance.

Continuous improvement will be embedded in processes and practice.

3.1 Implementation

CIT adopts a risk-based approach to implement compliance activities and in doing so will ensure that:

  1. Responsibility for compliance obligations is clearly articulated and assigned for all levels of staff, as it relates to their specific role and activities undertaken on behalf of CIT;
  2. Staff and Board education and training needs are identified and addressed, enabling staff to understand their compliance obligations;
  3. Behaviours that support and enhance compliance are encouraged and promoted;
  4. Controls are in place to manage identified compliance obligations and achieve desired quality standards; and
  5. There are always appropriate staff members in positions identified as ASQA responsible or accountable officers (e.g. CEO, Principal Executive Officer) to ensure continuity of compliance.

3.2 Monitoring and Measuring

CIT will monitor, measure and report upon the performance of its compliance activities and demonstrate it through documentation and practice.

Record keeping as per the CIT Records Management Policy is required to sufficiently evidence compliance.

3.3 Continuous Improvement

CIT’s compliance activities will be recorded and monitored on an annual basis in order to:

  1. Ensure continued adequacy and evaluate its effectiveness;
  2. Identify and action opportunities for continuous improvement; and
  3. Meet regulatory obligations.

4. Documentation

Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
National Code for Providers of Services to Overseas Students
Education Services for Overseas Students ACT 2000
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) 2013
Fit and Proper Persons Requirements (2011)
Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements (2021)
Records Management Policy

5. Definitions

All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the CIT Definitions of Terms.

6. Policy Contact Officer

For more information about this policy contact the Executive Branch Manager, Audit, Risk & Corporate Governance.

Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.

7. Procedures

This policy is implemented through the associated procedures. Authority to make changes to the procedures rests with the policy owner.