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Higher Education - Academic Misconduct Policy

1. Purpose

This policy is part of the academic integrity framework used by CIT to promote and uphold academic integrity and honesty in the delivery of its higher education courses in accordance with CIT's Higher Education Academic Integrity Policy. It describes the consequences of academic misconduct and outlines the role, rights and responsibilities of students and staff of CIT with respect to academic misconduct.

2. Scope

All students enrolled in a higher education course at CIT.

All staff teaching a higher education course at CIT.

3. Principles

3.1  Academic misconduct is any breach of academic integrity. Academic integrity is the practice of honest behaviour in an academic setting including ensuring that all assessment items are the student's own work. Generally (but not always), academic misconduct consists of an action undertaken by a student that unfairly advances their own or another student's progress in a subject and/or course. It includes:

  • Plagiarism (i.e. copying a person's work or ideas without referencing), including self-plagiarism (i.e. the undisclosed use of the student’s own work in its entirety in other academic work authored by the student)
  • collusion (for example unauthorised collaboration or sharing work with another student)
  • cheating (for example, unauthorised internet access during a test)
  • fabrication/falsification (for example, by inventing data or presenting false information as true)
  • misrepresentation/impersonation (for example, impersonating or being represented by another person in a test)
  • contract cheating (for example, submitting an assignment written by another person, whether paid or unpaid, formal or informal)
  • copyright violation
  • file sharing for example by uploading or downloading exam questions and assignments through a third-party platform or by direct exchange
  • artificial intelligence (AI) software or paraphrasing tools as a form of contract cheating.

3.2  Academic misconduct incidents will be dealt with in accordance with the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness as follows

3.3  Students suspected of academic misconduct during an assessment event will be allowed to complete the assessment before action is taken.

3.4  When academic misconduct is suspected, every attempt will be made by the teacher to speak promptly with the student, and this will be followed up with a written notification by the Head of Department.

3.5  Students involved in academic misconduct will be given academic counselling and additional training regarding academic integrity.

3.6  If students receiving a fail grade need a pass in the assessment event, an opportunity to re-enrol will be given.

3.7 Cases involving more than one student may result in different outcomes for each student, depending on individual circumstances.

3.8  Students may seek support and assistance from CIT student Support during the course of any inquiry.

3.9  The consequences of the inquiry include:

  • a warning - verbal or written by the teacher or the Head of Department
  • the opportunity to re-attempt the assessment, including subject to conditions
  • counselling
  • attending additional language or academic support sessions,
  • exclusion from the subject or course of study.

3.10  Students may appeal any decision made.

Teacher's responsibilities:

3.11  Collect all evidence of the alleged academic misconduct

3.12  Follow the relevant CIT processes that maintain the security and confidentiality of records of allegations of academic misconduct on CIT information systems.

3.13  Report alleged academic misconduct incidents to the Head of Department

Head of Department/Learning Manager responsibilities:

3.14  Investigate each allegation of academic misconduct in their delivery area and collect all relevant information.

3.15  Decide whether academic misconduct has occurred and if any disciplinary action is required.

3.16  Decide whether the student is given a chance to re-sit the exam, complete another assessment task or be given a fail grade with no opportunity for a re-sit.

3.17  Record and consider cases of academic misconduct and action taken at Program Review and Improvement, to ensure future instances are mitigated. Student names should not be recorded.

3.18  Ensure that the relevant CIT processes that maintain the security and confidentiality of records of allegations of academic misconduct on CIT information systems are followed.

College Director responsibilities:

3.19  Consider appeals

3.20  Maintain a College register of all instances of academic misconduct.

3.21  Report to the Higher Education Committee on instances of Academic misconduct in the College.

Director, Education Services responsibility:

3.22  May, on the recommendation of a College Director, exclude a student from a subject or program where there have been one or more instances of misconduct.

4. Documentation

CIT Policies available on website

Other CIT Resources

5. Definitions

All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the CIT Definitions of Terms.

6. Policy Contact Officer

Director, Education Services.

Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.

Policy No: 2022/631
Approved: November 2022
Next Review: November 2025
Category: Student Policies, Training Policies
Policy Owner: Executive Director, Education and Training Services

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