Amendment to Scope of Registration Policy
1. Purpose
The National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 requires Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) to manage its scope of registration and ensure only currently endorsed nationally accredited training products are delivered.
The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) manages changes to registered training organisations’ (RTO) scope of registration.
A Delegation Agreement with ASQA (Delegation Agreement) provides CIT authority to amend its scope of registration under a ‘self-management delegation’ model, including:
- adding new courses/qualifications/units to the scope of registration
- removing existing courses/qualifications/units from the scope of registration
- making modifications to current listings of courses/qualifications/units on the scope of registration
- managing notification of material changes or events, such as changes to delivery mode and location, on the scope of registration.
The Delegation Agreement provides that ASQA will automatically add new or revised nationally accredited training products equivalent to superseded courses to CIT’s scope of registration.
This policy describes the quality assurance arrangements by which CIT implements, monitors and reviews the management of its scope of registration, including:
- the functions delegated by ASQA to amend scope of registration
- compliance with the Delegation Agreement
- amendments to the scope of registration for any nationally accredited training products outside the Delegation Agreement.
This policy is to be read in conjunction with:
- Amendment to Scope of Registration Procedure
- Training and Assessment Policy
- Training and Assessment Strategies (TAS) Development Policy
- Course Closure Procedure
2. Scope
Where this policy refers to CIT, it includes CIT Solutions.
This policy applies to:
- proposals to amend CIT’s scope of registration, with the intention of awarding an Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) qualification or issuing a Statement of Attainment
- all staff involved in amendments to CIT’s scope of registration.
This policy describes the principles applied when CIT amends its scope of registration and the responsibilities of staff involved in amending CIT’s scope of registration.
This policy does not apply to specific nationally accredited training products advised by ASQA as per the terms of the Delegation Agreement.
3. Principles
The Board and the relevant Minister will provide written approval to amend the fields of vocational education and training in accordance with the Canberra Institute of Technology Act 1987.
CIT is approved to deliver training and assessment services for certain nationally accredited training products named in its scope of registration (National Register -
CIT will consider the need for amendments to its scope of registration to add or remove nationally accredited training products when:
- a nationally accredited training product is revised
- there is changing demand for nationally accredited training products
- emerging industry needs necessitate change
- a nationally accredited training product is no longer offered.
Decisions to add new nationally accredited training products to CIT's scope of registration will be approved for development by the Executive Management Committee (EMC) on advice from Academic Council.
Decisions to remove training products from scope will be approved by EMC on advice from Academic Council, including a detailed transition plan.
Decisions to update equivalent and non-equivalent training products on CIT’s scope of registration will occur through the process of program review and improvement (PRI), reviewed by the Academic Council and approved by EMC (refer: Program Review and Improvement Procedure).
CIT will:
- abide by the terms of the Delegation Agreement
- ensure the organisational capacity and capability to establish and manage VET regulatory functions and obligations, independently of its other functions and business operations
- define, document and ensure clear delineation and accountabilities of roles and responsibilities in relation to the delegated functions
- manage applications for amendments to the scope of registration and ensure the details of CIT’s scope of registration are included on the National Register
- add nationally accredited training products to the scope of registration, only where CIT has the capacity to deliver in accordance with the requirements of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Quality Framework
- manage its scope of registration, and ensure only currently endorsed nationally accredited training products are delivered and assessed
- include arrangements for:
- monitoring and internal review
- managing staff competency
- accountability and transparency
- reporting obligations and managing documents and records in accordance with the Delegation Agreement.
CIT will systematically act on, monitor and evaluate improvement opportunities arising from all internal reviews of the quality assurance arrangements to manage the scope of registration.
3.1 Responsibilities
3.1.1 Chief Executive Officer
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for ensuring adherence to the Delegation Agreement.
3.1.2 Academic Council (Teaching and Learning Quality Committee)
Academic Council is responsible for:
- reviewing recommendations for additions to and deletions from the scope of registration
- providing advice to EMC regarding changes to the scope of registration
- reporting to EMC when the new training product has been developed, quality assured and is ready for addition to scope.
3.1.3 Executive Management Committee
EMC is responsible for approving all additions to and deletions from the scope of registration and advising the CIT ASQA Delegate to inform ASQA of all changes in accordance with the Delegation Agreement and instrument.
3.1.4 Executive Director, Education Futures and Students
The Executive Director Education Futures and Students is responsible for:
- monitoring, reviewing and ensuring compliance with this policy and the Amendment to Scope of Registration Procedure
- consulting with the Academic Council and EMC regarding amendments to the scope of registration.
3.1.5 Senior Education Leader and Executive Design and Delivery Lead
The Senior Education Leader and Executive Design and Delivery Lead are jointly responsible for:
- adherence to this policy and procedure
- considering workplans for the manual addition and advising the college director whether to proceed with developing a TAS, Transition Plan and development of training products.
3.1.6 College Directors
College directors are responsible for:
- monitoring email alerts from the National Register when a nationally accredited training product on CIT's scope of registration will be superseded or deleted
- liaising with stakeholders and leading detailed research effort to document:
- the demand for new nationally accredited training products associated costs and benefits
- leading the business case for additions to the scope of registration
- completing requests for additions to Scope of Registration
- approving the transition plan for existing nationally accredited training products on the scope of registration
- confirming compliance requirements for removal of nationally accredited training products from the scope of registration.
3.1.7 Heads of Department
Heads of Department are responsible for:
- monitoring email alerts from the National Register when a nationally accredited training product on CIT's scope of registration will be superseded or deleted
- leading teaching teams to consider the introduction of new training products including non-equivalent versions of superseded training products
- developing the TAS and associated course resources for new nationally accredited training products in a timely manner and in conjunction with the Head of Department Program Services (Refer: TAS Development Policy)
- collecting data and proving a detailed evidence-based rationale for removal of a course
- complying with policies and procedures to remove a course from scope and completing transition plans for superseded training products (Refer: Course Closure Procedure and Course Transition Policy)
- developing and obtaining approval for transition plans for existing nationally accredited training products (Refer: Course Transition Policy).
3.1.8 Head of Department Program Services
The Head of Department Program Services is responsible for supporting teaching areas to:
- monitor email alerts from National Register when a nationally accredited training product on CIT's scope of registration will be superseded or deleted
- contribute to the development of the workplan to inform proposals to amend the scope of registration and the relevant transition plan
- coordinate with Education Quality and Awards and Programs teams to ensure activities related to amendments to the scope of registration are completed in a timely manner in preparation for course delivery
- contribute to the development and implementation of new TAS (Refer: TAS Development Policy and TAS Development Procedure for nationally accredited training products to be added to the scope of registration
- review existing TAS to ensure currency for equivalent nationally accredited training products
- developing and implementing course transition plans (Refer: Course Transition Policy)
- manage the review/edits to TAS documents as needed with education advisors and department staff.
3.1.9 Head of Department Education Quality
The Head of Department Education Quality is responsible for:
- managing the process for reviewing CIT’s scope of registration
- recommending endorsement of additions to scope including new and equivalent courses.
- reviewing the process as needed to meet compliance and continuous improvement requirements.
3.1.10 Academic Registrar
The CIT Academic Registrar is responsible for:
- monitoring the status of training products on CIT's scope of registration
- managing CIT’s scope of registration on ASQA’s interface
- ensuring written communications with internal stakeholders, within five working days of the notification alert email from the National Register, that a training product on CIT’s scope of registration will be superseded or deleted
- developing a schedule of superseded or deleted courses final award dates in the SMS
- managing the Delegation Agreement
- communicating to relevant stakeholders all amendments to the scope of registration within one week of those amendments being implemented
- maintaining a register of all documents and records associated with this procedure.
- reporting to ASQA on the exercise of delegated functions and commenting on significant changes and/or trends in activities within 30 days of any change via its online registration and regulatory management system, ASQAnet
- retaining all records in accordance with CIT's Records Management Policy.
4. Documentation
4.1 Related Legislation/Regulation
- Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
- Instrument of Delegation (ASQA)
- National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
- Standards for VET Regulators 2015
- VET Quality Framework
- Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2021
- Canberra Institute of Technology Act 1987
4.2 Related Policy and Procedures
- Amendment to Scope of Registration Procedure
- Course Transition Policy
- Course Closure Procedure
- Industry and Community Engagement (Training and Assessment) Procedures
- Records Management Policy
- Training and Assessment Strategy Development Policy
- Training and Assessment Strategy Development Procedure
5. Definitions
All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the CIT Definitions of Terms. The following terms are provided in the context of this policy.
Delegation Agreement | The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has delegated functions to CIT in a Delegation Agreement, in accordance with sections 224(2) and 226(1) of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Commonwealth). The delegated functions are to grant applications for amendments in CIT’s scope of registration and ensure that details of CIT's scope of registration are included on the National Register ( This delegation applies to adding nationally recognised qualifications and training products, to CIT’s scope of registration where CIT has the capacity to deliver in accordance with the requirements of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Quality Framework. |
Quality Assurance arrangements | Procedures and any supporting documents, such as guidelines, outlines of roles and responsibilities, forms, and templates. These documented arrangements demonstrate how CIT operates, including how it implements, monitors and reviews the system specifically in relation to the delegated functions, in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Delegation Agreement with ASQA that quality assurance arrangements should be coherent, comprehensive, implemented, and reviewed. |
Transition Plan | CIT plan to document arrangements to transition to a new training product when a course has been superseded or discontinued. A superseded training product is generally 12 months from the date published on TGA but may be extended on advice from ASQA. A removed or deleted training product is two years from the date it was removed. No new students are allowed to commence training or assessment. |
6. Policy Contact Officer
Executive Director, Education Futures and Students.
Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.
Policy No: CIT2024/610 Approved: April 2024 Next Review: April 2025 Category: Training Policies Policy Owner: Executive Director, Education Futures and Students |
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