Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) Development Policy
1. Purpose
To ensure Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT):
- develops training and assessment strategies (TAS) that:
- are consistent with the requirements of nationally accredited training products
- are responsive to industry and students' needs
- align with teaching and assessment practices that support and promote learning
- continually improves the quality of courses and services
- provides accurate and current training and assessment information to potential students
- delivers training and assessment that meet the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 and other relevant legislation/regulatory frameworks.
2. Scope
Where this policy refers to CIT, it includes CIT Solutions.
This policy applies to all training and assessment delivery for nationally accredited training products on CIT's scope of registration.
This policy applies to all staff engaged in the management, delivery and assessment of nationally accredited training products and is to be read in conjunction with the TAS Development Procedure and TAS Review and Approval Procedure.
3. Principles
- is the critical planning and strategy document for every training product delivered by CIT
- drives quality practice at CIT
- must be relevant to industry and reflect current industry practice.
A TAS describes the approach to training and assessment activities for qualifications or statements of attainment for nationally accredited training products.
It is a regulatory requirement that a registered training organisation has strategies in place to provide quality training and assessment across all its operations. To meet these requirements, CIT will only deliver and implement training courses supported by a detailed and compliant TAS.
The TAS underpins several functions and systems in CIT, providing the single point of truth for:
- information in the Student Management System
- information in the Learning Management System
- Australian Apprentice training plans and on-the-job training requirements
- course planning
- budget planning
- educators
- quality advisors
- education advisors
- enrolment officers
- all course information on the CIT website.
The TAS describes the appropriate documentation, staffing, resources and infrastructure to conduct the training and assessment.
The complete TAS includes the following documents, held within the relevant teaching department:
- TAS summary (TAS template)
- Trainer Skills Matrix (TSM) - detailing specific industry and Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications and experience for each educator (for individual units of competency) (refer: Educator Currency and Competency Policy)
- Assessment tools, instruments and learning materials developed for each unit of competency (refer: Curriculum Development (Learning and Assessment) Policy)
- CIT Timetable – outlining dates, times, and any sequencing of units for delivery (this information is provided to students)
- Australian Apprentice Training Plans - outlining the minimum on-the-job training requirements for cohorts of Australian Apprentices and expectations about training delivery and assessment (refer: Australian Apprenticeships Policy)
- CIT Subject Guide – outlining the training and assessment breakdown for each unit of competency (this information is provided to students).
An additional TAS template is required for each distinctive mode of delivery and/or student cohort. For example, blended/classroom, apprentice/non-apprentice, fully online or customised for a specific commercial client.
All courses on the CIT scope of registration must have a current TAS.
3.1 TAS development
CIT will develop a new TAS when a nationally accredited training product is added to its scope of registration (Refer: Amendment to Scope of Registration Policy and Amendment to Scope of Registration Procedure). This can be:
- a qualification
- a recognised skill set
- a standalone unit of competency
- an accredited course.
Each TAS includes:
- a course summary
- course information:
- the relevant training product
- the learning and assessment context
- the duration and scheduling of training and assessment
- the education and support services available
- physical and human resources required
- entry requirements (including inherent requirements)
- the cohort and needs of students
- the learning and training strategy (the structure, mode and sequence of training delivery)
- the assessment strategy
- industry engagement and consultation including, for Australian Apprenticeships, industry endorsement of the minimum required units of competency for on-the-job training
- the training and assessment evaluation process
- details of licensing or regulatory requirements.
A TAS is prepared for each mode of delivery and/or student cohort for all training products in the current Profile Plan.
The responsibility for delivery of the course against the approved TAS rests with the College Director and is managed operationally by the Head of Department.
3.2 Responsibilities
3.2.1 Academic Council
The Academic Council is responsible for endorsing all TAS in a timely manner. This includes endorsing new TASs prior to delivery and assessment and updates to existing TASs.
3.2.2 Education Design and Delivery Lead
The Education Design and Delivery Lead is responsible for:
- ensuring the consistent quality of training and assessment delivered
- ensuring training and assessment strategies are reflective of industry practice
- ensuring training and assessment strategies meet training needs of the ACT and surrounding regions
- ensuring training and assessment meets the needs of the student cohort
- ensuring a digital repository of TASs is available for staff
- ensuring the TAS templates and relevant document are up-to-date and compliant with the Standards for RTOs 2015
- Reporting to Academic Council on training and assessment delivered.
3.2.3 Senior Education Leader
The Senior Education Leader is responsible for:
- systematic monitoring and quality assurance of TAS
- ensuring a quality assurance system underpins the development and/or review of TAS documents
- monitoring and evaluating trends across CIT identified in TAS reviews
- promoting a culture of continuous improvement for training and assessment strategies
- monitoring TAS documents for currency and compliance.
3.2.4 College Director
The College Director is responsible for:
- systematic review and updating of TAS to ensure currency
- ensuring consultation occurs with stakeholders as appropriate, including but not limited to:
- industry representatives, such as sole traders, large businesses, government agencies and community organisations in Canberra and regional areas
- CIT Industry and Innovation
- CIT Student Support
- CIT Facilities
- CIT People and Culture.
- managing the process to develop each TAS, including completion of the TAS Review template
- recommending a new or updated TAS for Academic Council endorsement
- ensuring each TAS has been approved and distributed to educators (Refer: TAS Development Procedure)
- ensuring delivery of training and assessment in line with the TAS.
3.2.5 Head of Department
The Head of Department is responsible for:
- consulting with educators, industry and other internal stakeholders and collecting evidence to inform the TAS
- developing the TAS, including describing:
- accurate identification of each training product
- packaging and entry requirements
- where educational support and services may be required
- training and assessment physical and human resource requirements
- the structure, mode and sequence of training delivery and assessment
- the duration and scheduling of training and assessment
- the volume of learning and the amount of training
- industry engagement and consultation strategies
- assessment methodology
- educators who will deliver and assess the training product
- transition arrangements
- training and assessment evaluation processes.
- leading the process to develop each TAS
- publishing TAS in a central repository
- distributing TAS to each educator providing training and assessment for that course/cohort
- operationalising the TAS, ensuring delivery of training and assessment in line with the TAS
- undertaking regular updates to the TAS, as informed by the Program Review and Improvement process.
3.2.6 Head of Department Program Services
The Head of Department Program Services is responsible for:
- participating in the process to develop each TAS
- maintaining a record of TASs
- checking and providing advice on TAS content, including:
- units and packaging rules and entry pre-requisites
- sequencing
- delivery mode and cohort
- assessment methodology.
- amount of training/volume of learning
- transition plans
- industry and other stakeholder engagement.
Refer: TAS Review template
3.2.7 Head of Department Education Quality
The Head of Department Education Quality is responsible for:
- reviewing the TAS’s documents and referring them to Teaching and Learning Quality Committee (TLQC) for endorsement
- working with the Senior Education Leader to monitor the quality of TAS across the organisation.
Refer: TAS Review template
3.2.8 Manager Awards and Programs
The Manager Awards and Programs is responsible for:
- maintaining a repository of CIT TAS documents and in consultation with the Head of Department Program Services:
- uploading the TAS to SharePoint when a program is finalised
- updating amendments to sections of the TAS (Banner changes).
4. Documentation
4.1 Related Legislation/Regulation
- Standards for RTOs 2015
- The Memorandum of Understanding – Subsidised Training (the MOU) with Skills Canberra
- The NSW Smart and Skilled Guidelines and Policies
4.2 Related Policy and Procedures
- Amendment to Scope of Registration Policy
- Apprentices and Traineeships Policy
- Assessment Policy
- Industry and Community Engagement (Training and Assessment) Procedure
- Training and Assessment Strategies Development Procedure
- TAS Review and Approval Procedure
- Training and Assessment Policy
4.3 Related Documents
- Training and Assessment Strategy Template and Appendices:
- Delivery Structure (includes sequencing of units and outline any pre-requisites or co-requisites)
- Web Handbook (information for prospective students including costs and any pre-requisites or co-requisites)
- Volume of Learning Table
- Transition Table and Review template (details of how previous students will be transitioned into the new product)
- Training Package Qualification Requirements
- Banner Program Requirements (CAPP) report
- Banner Subject Listing by Program Report
- Industry and Other Engagement
- Student Timetable (includes times, dates, location, CRNs, sequencing of units)
- CIT Subject Guide.
- TAS Review template
- CIT TAS Processes and Procedures Guide
- Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)
- Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
5. Definitions
All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the CIT Definitions of Terms. The following terms are provided in the context of this policy.
Additional TAS | Not all differences represent a distinctive approach to training and assessment. For example, two separate groups of students attending different campuses but receiving the same training and delivery mode do not need a separate TAS. Multiple intakes each year for the same training and assessment delivery will only require one TAS. |
Amount of training | The amount of training is the structured learning directed by the educator - both supervised and non-supervised. The amount of training is dependent on the characteristics of the student cohort. The amount of training is part of the overall volume of learning. |
Course duration | Course duration is the number of days, months, terms or years required to undertake the course from enrolment to completion. |
Delivery mode | The method adopted to deliver training and assessment, including online, distance or blended methods. |
Inherent requirements | Inherent requirements are the fundamental parts of a course that must be met by all students in order for them to be deemed competent. They are the abilities, skills and knowledge students need to complete the course — those components which, if removed, would compromise the learning outcomes. Students should be provided with reasonable adjustments to enable them to meet these inherent requirements, provided this would not cause unjustifiable hardship to the RTO. However, if a student cannot meet the inherent requirements, even with adjustments, then they cannot complete the course. |
Nominal/supervised hours | The supervised structured learning and assessment activity required to sufficiently address the content of each unit of competency (acknowledging that progress can vary between students). |
On-the-job training | Under an Australian Apprenticeship, both the training provider and employer have an obligation to provide training to the apprentice/trainee. The training provider must provide formal training in the underpinning knowledge and skills and ensure the apprentice/trainee can apply their learning to the workplace tasks required for the unit of competency. The employer must provide informal training and learning in the workplace and ensure the apprentice/trainee has learnt and practiced the workplace tasks and skills required for the unit of competency, under appropriate supervision, to industry and company standards. |
Sequence of delivery | The order in which the structured learning and assessment activity is delivered. |
Student Cohort | A group of students who have attributes in common. |
Training Plan | All training delivered under an Australian Apprenticeships training contract is required to be documented in a training plan. The training plan sets out details of how, when and by whom training and assessment is conducted for the student to achieve the competencies required for a qualification. |
Volume of learning | The national prescribed duration of all activities required for achieving learning outcomes. Volume of learning includes nominal (supervised) hours and unsupervised hours. |
6. Policy Contact Officer
Executive Director, Education Futures and Students.
Contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.
7. Procedures
This policy is implemented through the associated procedures. Authority to make changes to the procedures rests with the policy owner.
Policy No: CIT2024/624 Approved: April 2024 Next Review: April 2026 Category: Training Policies Policy Owner: Executive Director, Education Futures and Students |
TAS Development Procedure (PDF File 306.4 KB) TAS Review and Approval Procedure (PDF File 270.5 KB) Program Review and Improvement Procedure (PDF File 339.6 KB) |
Browse Policies CIT Definition of Terms CIT Governance Framework (PDF 381Kb) Complaints Form Client Service Charter (PDF 845Kb) Student Code of Conduct (PDF 286Kb) |
2024-06-01: Managing Third Party Arrangements Policy 2024-09-09: Procurement Policy 2024-08-18: Applications for Admission of Young People Under 17 Policy 2024-06-08: Resulting Policy 2024-06-08: Marketing and Course Information Policy |