As a CIT student you may be refunded for your course fees if your situation meets the following:
- if CIT cancels a course in which you have enrolled and paid fees, a full refund of all fees will be provided.
- if you are a domestic student and you submit a Withdrawal Request Form before the invoice due date/ relevant Census date (for all FEE-HELP/VET Student Loan eligible courses), A full refund will be granted.
- if you are a domestic student and you submit a Withdrawal Request Form withdraw 10 days or more before your subject/s commence or
- if you are an International Student and cancel your enrolment in writing at least 14 days before the commencement of your enrolled course.
CIT will approve a refund or credit of 50 per cent (50%) of fees paid where a domestic student submits a Withdrawal Request Form within 10 working days prior to the date of classes commencing.
Under exceptional circumstances, CIT may give a refund after the invoice due date. You are required to apply for this refund in writing and provide relevant documentary evidence to substantiate your claim.
Examples of exceptional circumstances are:
- disability or serious illness as documented by a medical certificate (minimum absence two weeks) or as recommended by the Institute's Disability Education Advisor or Student Equity Support Officer
- unexpected interstate transfer. Documentation from employer required. Transfer within the immediate southern NSW region is not sufficient
- significant change to family situation e.g. death of partner/child.
This refund may be adjusted for the period of enrolment already accessed and administrative costs in processing the refund.
If you are eligible for a refund on your CIT fees, there are three ways that your paid fees can be reimbursed to you:
- If payment was made online via CIT Self Service, your refund will be processed to the card you made the payment from. This is CIT's preferred method for refunds.
- You can nominate to have your refund direct deposited via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) into your chosen bank account. You will need to provide your bank details to CIT in order for this option to be actioned.
- It can be sent to your address in the form of a cheque. Please ensure that CIT has your current mailing address, you can do this by confirming your address in your withdrawal email or by updating your details in CIT Self Service.