Studying at CIT will provide you the opportunity to turn your creative flair and passion for clothes into a career in the fashion industry. This qualification will enable you to develop your sewing skills, understand how to create your own patterns and assist with the operation of a design label or continue onto MST50122 Diploma of Apparel, Fashion and Textiles.
Learn in a simulated industry production room with industrial machinery and the latest software to design and produce customised fashion garments for your professional portfolio of work. Our textile area is using innovative technology to address sustainable and environmental practices for job of the future.
Qualification: |
Certificate III in Apparel, Fashion and Textiles MST31022 |
Next Intake: |
Semester 1 2025
Course No: |
C3-BD81 |
Campus: |
CIT Reid*
*From Semester 2 2025, the location of this course will transition from CIT Reid to the new CIT Woden campus. CIT will provide support for students who will be making the move to Woden. Learn more.
Duration: |
4 semesters part-time, 2 evenings a week (approx. 6-7 hours per week) plus Saturdays (up to 1 per month). Some subjects/units will also be available during the day. |
Cost Info: |
Enrolment fees for this course are based on the costs per subject as indicated below. The total course cost may vary depending on the choice of elective subjects or if subjects are attempted more than once. Subject costs identified as Standard are partially subsidised by the ACT Government. Concessions may be available to eligible students.
Indicative Cost: |
$4,216 |
Likely Job Outcome: |
Machinist or assistant dressmaker able to produce complex whole garments. Assistant in applied design and production roles within clothing and fashion industry. Clothing retail assistant or in garment alterations. |
Application Type: |
Standard |
Share: |
Course information sessions
Unscheduled sessions
Standard applications
Contact CIT Student Services at infoline@cit.edu.au or call (02) 6207 3188 for course information or help enrolling.
Timetable Information
To help with the enrolment process print your timetable, or keep the window open, so that you can refer back to it for your course code, course name, and the Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) or Block Code.
Additional Information
Certain subjects with higher usage of materials will have their materials included so students can commence upon enrolment. This will be incorporated into the total course cost and detailed on the course structure.
This will be distributed to the students by way of kits in designated subjects.
Download Certificate III in Apparel, Fashion and Textiles MST31022 Course Structure (PDF 569Kb)
Entry Requirements
You must
- have a Year 10 Certificate (or equivalent) OR be Mature Age (turn at least 20 in first year of study)
- AND have workplace written and oral communication skills (early in the course your skills will be checked - if you cannot read and write documents to the level needed, you will be enrolled in additional subjects to help you build the skills needed to successfully complete the course).
Skills Recognition
To study any course at CIT (excluding non-accredited training) you must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).
Further Study
Canberra Institute of Technology
Diploma of Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising
Literacy Skills Information
We suggest that you will need Australian Core Skills Framework levels of at least 2 across reading, writing, learning, oral communication and, depending on your course of study, numeracy skills to successfully complete this course. If you do not have this level, you can still enrol and seek support to improve your skills or you may prefer to begin with a lower level course, or enrol in the Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways (FSK20119) to develop your literacy skills. Please visit CIT Foundation Skills page.
Transition Information
Qualifications at CIT are regularly updated or replaced to meet current industry needs and maximise your employment opportunities. If this occurs while you are part way through a qualification, you may need to vary your learning to meet the new national requirements. CIT will aim to make this as smooth as possible for you.
Subject Cancellations/Changes
To ensure positive outcomes for all students, CIT may need to cancel or change classes at short notice. CIT will make every effort to inform students as soon as changes are made and will also make every effort to offer alternative arrangements for students to meet the requirements of the subject and complete their qualification. In an unfortunate instance when this cannot be met, you will receive a full refund. Please ensure you maintain current contact details via CIT Self Service or by contacting CIT Student Services at infoline@cit.edu.au.
Subject Information
Complete 18 subjects (6 Core and 12 Electives)
Core: Complete all 6
- MSMWHS200 Work safely
CIT Code: | OHSS485
Cost: | Standard $66.00
Description: | This unit of competency covers the skills and knowledge required to apply workplace policies and procedures to maintain a safe work environment for self and others. The unit of competency covers identifying work health and safety (WHS) hazards, assessing risk and following safety procedures in the workplace with minimal supervision. Compliance with legislative requirements and duty of care are embedded in this unit through workplace instructions and procedures. Workers will be provided with clear directions, information, instruction, training and appropriate supervision regarding the relevant state/territory WHS legislation, codes of practice, relevant industry standards, workplace procedures and work instructions. This unit of competency applies to an individual working alone or as part of a team/work group and working in liaison with other shift team members and the control room operator, as appropriate. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- MSS402055 Apply quality standards
CIT Code: | MANU140
Cost: | Standard $100.00
Description: | This unit of competency covers the skills and knowledge required to apply quality standards to work operations in an organisation. The unit is designed to complement competitive systems and practices units.This unit applies to an individual who is expected to take responsibility for the quality of their own work, and to take actions specified in the procedures and within the scope of their job and authority to ensure that quality standards are met.This unit requires the application of skills associated with interpreting and applying workplace standards and identifying and addressing problems that interfere with quality outcomes. The unit requires initiative, enterprise and self-management to ensure quality standards are achieved.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- MSTAT2005 Sew materials by machine
CIT Code: | FASH440
Cost: | Standard $300.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use any type of sewing machine to align and sew pattern pieces and sew components of textile products. It includes the ability to align and sew straight seams, join flat pieces of stable fabric and use basic stitching. This unit applies to individuals working in accordance with pre-determined specifications and established procedures.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- MSTGN2023 Identify and handle fabrics and textiles
CIT Code: | FASH462
Cost: | Standard $300.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify and appropriately handle woven, knitted and non-woven fabrics and other textile materials and accessories used in the textiles, clothing and footwear industries. Accessories may include items such as threads, fastening and trims.This unit applies to individuals who require basic knowledge of fabrics and textile materials for use in production, cleaning or repair roles. It should be contextualised for use in different industry sectors.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- MSTGN3018 Support sustainable practice in apparel and textile design and production
CIT Code: | FASH463
Cost: | Standard $300.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to source information about sustainability in the context of apparel and textile design and production, use sustainable work practices and contribute to improved sustainability.This unit applies to all workers in the textile, clothing and footwear industries.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- MSTGN3019 Interact with others in an apparel and textile design and production environment
CIT Code: | FASH464
Cost: | Standard $100.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate with others involved in the apparel and textile design and production process to support quality outcomes. It has a focus on the protocols, channels and tools used in the design and production environment and requires the ability to use verbal, written and visual communication methods.The unit applies to individuals working in accordance with established standards for communication who need to use discretion and judgement in selecting and implementing approaches to communication with a diverse range of other people to support effective work outcomes. Other people may be internal or external to the organisation.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
Electives: Complete 12 subjects
Group A Electives - complete minimum 6
- MSTAT3001 Produce technical drawings of garments
CIT Code: | FASH441
Cost: | Standard $100.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create technical drawings that are accurate, symmetrical and to scale and accurate based on garment design documentation. Technical drawings are used to support the design and production process and may be created using manual or computer-aided techniques.The unit applies to individuals working in accordance with established procedures and technical drawing conventions.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- MSTAT2001 Prepare and communicate design concepts for simple textile products
CIT Code: | FASH471
Cost: | Standard $250.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to source ideas for design, prepare design concepts based on a design brief and communicate the design. Concepts are for simple textile products without complicated design features. Products may be apparel or non-wearable items. The unit applies to individuals following the design process and the elements and principles of design to guide work. No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- MSTAT3010 Perform garment repairs and alterations
CIT Code: | FASH445
Cost: | Standard $175.00
Description: | This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to repair and alter finished garments or textiles based on client needs.The unit applies to repairing garments or textiles that have been damaged, either during the production process or during normal wear. It also applies to the alteration of garments following production, where they do not fit an individual.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- MSTAT3002 Develop patterns using basic patternmaking principles
CIT Code: | FASH442
Cost: | Standard $300.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to interpret design specifications for textile products and use patternmaking principles to develop and test patterns to confirm specifications. Textile products may include apparel or non-wearable items.This unit applies to individuals working in accordance with pre-determined designs and established procedures. They use discretion, judgement and problem solving to test and alter patterns.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- MSTAT3005 Sew garments
CIT Code: | FASH443
Cost: | Standard $300.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to sew complete garments that include multiple pieces, involving the use of sewing techniques where the positioning, feeding and handling of work pieces involves discretionary changes, contouring or critical stopping points and/or special handling skills required to accommodate fabric variations. Garments may include shirts, trousers, dresses, unstructured jackets, stretch knits and skirts. This unit applies to individuals working in accordance with established procedures using discretion, judgement and problem solving to complete work. It often applies to the sample machining role. No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- MSTAT3007 Sew stretch knit garments
CIT Code: | FASH444
Cost: | Standard $175.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan, align and sew complete stretch knit garments from specifications. It includes the ability to use the specific techniques and machinery required when working with stretch knit fabrics. Stretch knit fabrics are those knitted on a circular knitting machine, also referred to as 'jersey knits' or 'cut and sew fabrics.This unit applies to individuals working in accordance with established procedures using discretion, judgement and problem solving to complete work. It often applies to the sample machining role.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
Other Electives: May complete maximum 6
- MSTAT4012 Produce garments using advanced construction techniques
CIT Code: | FASH449
Cost: | Standard $350.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to interpret design specifications and use advanced construction techniques to perform sewing and finishing operations to complete whole garments, which may be design samples. The focus of the unit is on the skills to use multiple types of machines to produce garments which require use of advanced techniques either because of design feature details or more complex construction and assembly requirements.This unit applies to individuals working independently who are responsible for their own outcomes and who may have some responsibility for the work of others.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | MSTAT3005 Sew garments |
- MSTAT4008 Create standard-size garment patterns from existing blocks
CIT Code: | FASH447
Cost: | Standard $350.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create garment patterns for standard sizes from existing blocks using patternmaking techniques that include contouring, square blocking, pivoting and advanced dart manipulation.This unit applies to individuals working in accordance with pre-determined designs and established procedures. They use discretion, judgement and problem solving to test and alter patterns.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | MSTAT3002 Develop patterns using basic patternmaking principles |
- MSTGN4025 Use digital design tools
CIT Code: | FASH468
Cost: | Standard $350.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create designs and production specifications for any type of textile product using digital software programs and peripherals. The focus of the unit is the technical skills and knowledge skills and knowledge required to use software to manipulate design elements.This unit applies to design and production personnel.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- MSTAT5013 Analyse individual fit and make pattern alterations
CIT Code: | FASH454
Cost: | Standard $350.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to analyse the fit of a garment or toile on the individual body, make necessary adjustments and alter the pattern.This unit applies to individuals who use discretion and judgement in planning and selecting patternmaking processes to achieve outcomes.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | MSTAT3002 Develop patterns using basic patternmaking principles |
- MSTAT4011 Drape fabrics to make patterns
CIT Code: | FASH448
Cost: | Standard $250.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use draping techniques to create a basic fitted foundation. This applies to the creation of fitted blocks for tops and skirts and does not include draping of set-in sleeves. Draping is conducted on a body form, such as a mannequin or model.This unit of competency applies to patternmakers.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- MSTAT2004 Lay up, mark and cut uncomplicated fabrics and lays
CIT Code: | FASH439
Cost: | Standard $100.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lay up, mark and cut fabrics and lays for the production of textile products where patterns are quite simple and only a small number of layers of fabric are to be cut. Textile products may be apparel or other non-wearable items. Work may be completed using manual or digital techniques.This unit applies to individuals working in accordance with pre-determined specifications and established procedures.No licensing or certification requirements exist at the time of publication. Relevant legislation, industry standards and codes of practice within Australia must be applied. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CUAACD311 Produce drawings to communicate ideas
CIT Code: | ARTS361
Cost: | Standard $310.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to produce drawings that represent and communicate ideas. It does not relate to drawing as an art form. It involves planning drawing work, experimenting with ideas and producing drawings.The unit applies to those who use drawings, either digital or hand drawn, for personal use or in response to a project or brief. They allow for visual communication and are used as visual representation tools. Drawings may include design concepts for objects, layout planning, illustrations, processes, sequences or spaces.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
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More Information
For more information about this course please contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email infoline@cit.edu.au