CIT: a supportive pathway to reach your goals
Published: 27 Aug 2019

After attending Canberra's public and private schools, 21-year-old Griffin Blackshaw made the shift to the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT). Through his CIT journey, he completed Year 10, 11 and 12, chose to study accounting, travelled overseas on a study tour and returned inspired to pursue career opportunities beyond Australia.
At the end of Year 8, Griffin faced health challenges that forced him to stop attending school. Chronic fatigue and debilitating symptoms including headaches and hypersensitivity to light and noise hindered his ability to participate in sports and carry out school assignments. Griffin acknowledges that prior to the onset of his health condition he was devoted to hockey, baseball and other sports though less disciplined about schoolwork. Over a two-year period, his health gradually improved enabling Griffin to prioritise his education.
It may sound like a cliché, but Griffin is convinced that for him, CIT was "the right place at the right time." Working with a CIT advisor, an Independent Learning Plan (ILP) built having regard for his health challenges allowed Griffin to return progressively to full-time study. Griffin returned with heightened motivation and committed to try harder.
"Experienced and caring" is how Griffin describes his teachers at CIT, saying, "As long you did the work they were willing to help you." He participated in a 10-day study tour to Thailand and Singapore with students from South America, China, Ghana and Russia. "That's a reflection of the make-up of my classes at CIT," he said. His Tertiary Advanced Level Business class also included students starting their own businesses, which is where he became interested in accounting.
Griffin Completed the Certificate III in Accounts Administration (FNS30317) and is currently pursuing the Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping (FNS40217). "The teachings at CIT are very practical. We work with invoices, profit loss, balance sheets and I can manage the concepts and their practical hands-on application," Griffin said.
Griffin returned from the Asian study tour inspired about the possibility to take his accounting career across borders. "In the future I would like to open my own business, or freelance in Europe or Asia or even work online for a company overseas or live overseas and work for a company in Australia," he said.
He is planning to enrol next in the Advanced Diploma of Accounting (FNS60217) and is currently enjoying Thai boxing, fencing and swing dancing classes.