New student representatives here to support you
Published: 12 Oct 2020

Two Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) students, Jayden Giugni and Christopher Mahl, are sharing roles as the newly selected student representatives for Academic Council and Student Experience Committee.
As part of their shared responsibilities Christopher and Jayden, both studying their Certificate III in Electrotechnology (UEE30811), will be working to ensure CIT students continue to get the best training, education and support possible.
Chris is keen to help make positive changes on behalf of all students at CIT, based on his own experiences during his studies. "With the both of us taking on these roles we will give the students a voice that will get heard and hopefully have a positive outcome."
As representatives on the Academic Council, Jayden and Chris will provide a students' perspective on high level academic matters.
Jayden said that this would differ from their roles on the Student Experience Committee. "This role is mainly providing feedback of students' overall experiences as well as identifying changes that can be made to promote student initiatives and education."
"As we are both keen on providing feedback to hopefully improve CIT, we agreed that the ability to share these responsibilities and being able to bounce ideas off each other would be really valuable," Jayden said.
Both Chris and Jayden are looking forward to supporting CIT students through their new positions and are encouraging students to get in contact. "This will be a great opportunity and will provide a better outcome for students in the future as their issues and concerns will be heard," Christopher said.
"If any student believes that they have anything to say in relation to CIT shortfalls, general opinions on what can be improved upon, or any general concerns, they can talk to Chris or myself in person on Tuesdays when we are on campus (Fyshwick) or flick us an email and we will raise it through the appropriate channels," Jayden said.
To get in contact with Jayden and Christopher, students can email their feedback or queries to