CIT students win in-demand pathology jobs
Published: 07 Oct 2021

During the COVID-19 pandemic, life often feels like it has changed for the worse. However, one upside is the increase in job opportunities in pathology testing in Canberra. Several CIT students who have studied laboratory techniques have been offered graduate positions with well-known ACT pathology companies.
Kestra Howard who has almost completed the Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques (MSL40118), recently started working at Capital Pathology. Speaking about her career choice, she said that when she was in college, a teacher told her that she would make an excellent laboratory technician. It then became her ambition to achieve that goal.
"I have learned so much about how pathology works, how to identify species and run analytical testing, and why each process is so important to the safety and efficiency of the laboratory."
Chantelle who applied for the course via the JobTrainer program has almost finished her Certificate IV and recently started work at ACT Pathology
Stewart Woolmer, who also works at Capital Pathology, has completed his Certificate III (MSL30118) and just started a Certificate IV.
"I've enjoyed every single aspect of the course. The practical work is always great fun, but the theory is surprisingly entertaining as well. I hope to study the Diploma of Advanced Laboratory Techniques, and then head to uni. My dream is to be a medical research scientist."
Laura Henry, Science and Laboratory Skills Coordinator, said the course provides experience in performing routine pathology tasks and laboratory techniques, which is experiencing strong demand with COVID-19 testing.
"The focus of this certificate is to give students the skills needed to work as a Technical Officer in a pathology laboratory. Career opportunities include a variety of departments within pathology laboratories, such as Specimen Reception Officer, biochemistry, haematology, microbiology and histology technical officers."
Laura explained that a great variety of students are attracted to this course.
"We have some students with university degrees who are looking for more hands-on practical training. We also have students retraining to change career paths or high school graduates using this as a step before a university degree."
"Entry level positions are often advertised and have quite high turnovers, as staff are frequently moving out of entry level and into specialised roles, or further study," she said.
For more information about studying Laboratory Studies at CIT, visit our website.