CIT Highest Ranking TAFE Team in CySCA 2018
Published: 07 Dec 2018

CIT is proudly closing 2018 with four of its students receiving the Highest Ranking TAFE Team Award from the Cyber Security Challenge Australia (CySCA), the only national cyber security competition for university and Vocational Education and Skills students.
For six consecutive years, the 'hacking' competition has encouraged the participation of undergraduate university and TAFE students across the country and it noticed a significant increase in the number of competitors this year. CySCA 2018 took place in October in Melbourne, where 422 students from 35 universities and TAFEs across Australia competed over a 24-hour period to reverse real-world cyber security threats.
The competition organisers, the Australian Cyber Security Centre in partnership with industry and academic partners, held the awards ceremony in December in Canberra, which was also an opportunity for students to meet and connect with potential employers. With the growing need of skilled cyber security professionals, the unique CySCA competition provides students with the opportunity to display their technical, analytical and communication ability to academia and industry.
Graduations and award ceremonies are among the end-of-year celebrations that appropriately recognise student’s achievements and efforts. CySCA 2018 has given CIT students in Networking and Cyber Security an experience to kick start 2019 and their careers.
Learn more about CIT courses in Networking and Cyber Security.