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CIT study and learning support

CIT offers a range of study support to assist CIT students. Click on the links below for more detailed information about each option.

College and general tutorial support

A list of tutorial support sessions for specific areas/subjects delivered by CIT College departments

Support method and availability: In person and online.

Open to: All CIT students

Cost: Free unless stated otherwise

Link to tutorial details list: College Support Tutorials Flyer (PDF, 215.59 KB)

Computing basics

An eLearn course that provides information about the basics of using computers for the first-time computer users. In this course, you will find general information, links to tutorials and useful tips to help you use computers in your studies including using eLearn and activating your CIT Microsoft 365 account.

Support method and availability: Online through eLearn, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Open to: All CIT students

Cost: Free

Link to course:

Foundation skills courses

Courses to develop your language, literacy and numeracy skills to support your learning in vocational courses at CIT.

Support method: Face to face. Click here for full course details and timetables.

Cost: varies by subject (concessions available for eligible students)

General academic support

Help with areas such as research and study skills, preparing oral presentations and writing reports, understanding and responding to assignments, literacy and numeracy, English communication skills, using computers, the internet and eLearn, job seeking skills, including preparing job applications and interview skills.

Support method and availability: On campus, Phone and online during term times.

Open to: All current CIT students

Cost: Free

Contact: or (02) 6207 3290 for an appointment

Link to timetable: General Academic Support timetable (PDF, 330.17 KB)

Migrant and Refugee support tutorials

Help with areas such as English language for your course, using eLearn, understanding subject guides and assessments, planning for assessments, developing skills needed to be a successful CIT student.

Support method and availability: On campus, Online or phone during term times.

Open to: All current migrant and refugee students studying courses other than English

Cost: Free

Contact: CIT Student Support on (02) 6207 3290 to make an appointment



Help from real-life expert tutors to help you get unstuck with subjects such as essay and report writing, referencing, mathematics, accounting and statistics.

Support method and availability: Online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Contact: Connect Live to an online tutor anytime. Submit written work online for feedback within 24 hrs.

Open to: All current CIT students

Cost: Free