Study Support
CIT offers students the following study support options:
- Study Support tutorials - provides support in numeracy, literacy, study, computing and job seeking skills. This is a free service, available during term times at CIT Bruce, CIT Fyshwick, CIT Reid and CIT Tuggeranong. No appointment needed - just visit a session and campus that suits you. A list of tutorial times are available on the CIT website.
- Studiosity - FREE after-hours help now available online, accessible through your eLearn homepage (Study HELP tab).
- Peer Tutoring - may be available to students (including international students) having difficulty understanding the content of a subject. It has a nominal charge to offset payments to tutors.
Contact CITSA on (02) 6207 3600.
Study support tutorials are available during term times in the CIT Bruce, Library and CIT Fyshwick, Block G, Room 007. This service provides you with academic support on campus. Information and timetables for drop-in times are available from the Study Support webpage, or ask a CIT Librarian on campus.