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Assessment is the term used to describe the process through which you demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes of each subject/ competency. Assessment tasks may include practical tasks, reports, in-class tests, online assignments, exercises, group work, oral presentations, structured questions as part of a conversation, observations, and/or practical demonstrations.

By the end of the second week of attendance in any subject, your teacher will provide assessment information in the form of a subject guide containing the following:

  • subject purpose
  • learning outcomes
  • assessment strategies described clearly
  • suggested length of written work or duration of oral presentation
  • format requirements which outline how the work will be organised for presentation
  • clear information on the criteria for grading and how the results will be drawn together into the final grade
  • when assignments will be marked and returned and in what form you will get the feedback from your teacher
  • what you need to do if you are having trouble keeping up with the assessment requirements
  • information on reassessment/resit/resubmit
  • information on how to review or appeal your results (note: appeals must be received within four weeks of results being available on CIT's Student Administration System (Banner)).
  • information about skills recognition

Many subjects are ungraded. For these you will receive an Ungraded Pass (UP). For graded subjects you can expect a description of the assessment criteria which are applied to rank your performance - Pass (P), Credit (CR), Distinction (D) or High Distinction (HD).

Some assessments may exclude the use of notes, books or electronic devices during an assessment task.

The ACT Year 12 Certificate course assessment procedures are those of the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS). For more details about these procedures go to Your subject guides and your Year 12 teachers will also explain assessment requirements and procedures to you.