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Certificate IV in Population Health HLT46015


The Certificate IV in Population Health at CIT provides you with the skills and knowledge to promote health and address public health issues in a diverse range of settings. Through a blend of theory and practical project work, you will develop the skills to navigate the complexities of public health, including community engagement, research and evidence-based practice, capacity building, coordinating population health projects or programs, and advocating for changes in health systems and policies to improve public health outcomes. The course will equip you with practical skills in areas like smoking/vaping cessation, nutrition and healthy eating, physical activity promotion, and creating safe, healthy work environments.

This qualification is designed to fit flexibly with your life and is ideal for those seeking roles in areas such as health promotion, health research, health policy, program development and evaluation, advocacy, and community development, to tackle the causes of poor health and enhance the overall wellbeing of diverse populations.

The Certificate IV in Population health comprises of the following 12 modules:
1. Foundations of population health
2. Building capacity to promote health
3. Promoting personal health
4. Research and consultation
5. Nutrition and health
6. Legal and ethical practice
7. Health projects
8. Health systems advocacy
9. Professional practice
10. Smoking and vaping
11. Diversity and inclusion
12. Safe and healthy work environments

You can undertake one, two or more of these modules to get a 'taster' of the course. Note: You will have 21 weeks (1 Semester) to complete any modules/subjects you are enrolled in. If you enrol in all modules/subjects at once, you will have only 21 weeks (1 Semester) to complete the whole qualification. We recommend enrolling in a maximum of 6 modules per Semester.


Certificate IV in Population Health HLT46015

Next Intake:

Semester 1 2025

Course No:



CIT Bruce 


The program is typically undertaken over two semesters either FT or PT. Depending on your circumstances, you can adjust your study load by enrolling in less or more subjects each Semester. You will participate in approximately 7-15 hours of scheduled training per week throughout each semester. In addition to the scheduled contact hours, you will need to engage in individual study which consists of online lessons, interactive learning activities, required research and readings, and project work.

Note: You will have 21 weeks (1 Semester) to complete any subjects you are enrolled in.

Cost Info:

Enrolment fees for this course are based on the costs per subject as indicated below. The total course cost may vary depending on the choice of elective subjects or if subjects are attempted more than once. Subject costs identified as Standard are partially subsidised by the ACT Government. Concessions may be available to eligible students.

Indicative Cost:

Standard $1,631
  • Subsidised fee $500

Likely Job Outcome:

- Health project leader/supervisor
- Population health policy officer
- Community/health worker
- Health promotion officer
- Smoking cessation professional
- Advocacy worker

Application Type:


Timetable Information

To help with the enrolment process print your timetable, or keep the window open, so that you can refer back to it for your course code, course name, and the Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) or Block Code.

Additional Information

If you have completed some of the subjects below in other courses, such as Community Work, you may be given recognition for subjects already achieved. These units will automatically count in this course and do not need to be re-enrolled or re-assessed.

Entry Requirements

Open entry.

Skills Recognition

To study any course at CIT (excluding non-accredited training) you must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).

Literacy Skills Information

We suggest that you will need Australian Core Skills Framework literacy levels of at least 3 across reading, writing, learning, oral communication and, depending on your course of study, numeracy skills to successfully complete this course. If you do not have this level, you can still enrol and seek support to improve your skills or you may prefer to begin with the lower level course. Please visit Foundation Skills.

Transition Information

Qualifications at CIT are regularly updated or replaced to meet current industry needs and maximise your employment opportunities. If this occurs while you are part way through a qualification, you may need to vary your learning to meet the new national requirements. CIT will aim to make this as smooth as possible for you.

Subject Cancellations/Changes

To ensure positive outcomes for all students, CIT may need to cancel or change classes at short notice. CIT will make every effort to inform students as soon as changes are made and will also make every effort to offer alternative arrangements for students to meet the requirements of the subject and complete their qualification. In an unfortunate instance when this cannot be met, you will receive a full refund. Please ensure you maintain current contact details via CIT Self Service or by contacting CIT Student Services at

Subject Information

Complete 18 subjects

Core: Complete all 9

  • CHCADV005   Provide systems advocacy services
    • CIT Code: WELF457
      Cost: Standard $126.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to advocate and ensure that government, community and organisational systems broadly support and uphold human rights. This unit applies to workers in a health, community services or advocacy settings who undertake a leadership role in influencing social and system changes. Workers at this level will also advocate for change and continuous improvement at the organisational level to improve client outcomes and service quality.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCDIV001   Work with diverse people
    • CIT Code: CLTS145
      Cost: Standard $62.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work respectfully with people from diverse social and cultural groups and situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. This unit applies to all workers.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCLEG001   Work legally and ethically
    • CIT Code: LEGL219
      Cost: Standard $84.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify and work within the legal and ethical frameworks that apply to an individual job role. This unit applies to community services and health workers who play a proactive role in identifying and meeting their legal and ethical responsibilities.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTPOP019   Apply a population health framework
    • CIT Code: HESC529
      Cost: Standard $70.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge to support workers to understand and apply the underlying principles and philosophy that must be reflected in all areas of population health work. This unit applies to work in a public health context and workers at this level will demonstrate judgement and autonomy within broad guidelines.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTPOP020   Work with the community to identify health needs
    • CIT Code: HESC530
      Cost: Standard $70.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to enable particular communities to define and assess their own health needs. This unit applies to work in a public health context and workers at this level will demonstrate judgement, sensitivity and autonomy within defined guidelines.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTPOP021   Plan a population health project
    • CIT Code: HESC531
      Cost: Standard $70.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan the specifics of a population health project. Work covers the processes of selecting an appropriate health issue, selecting specific intervention strategies, tailoring strategies to appropriate communities, developing goals and objectives, defining ways of measuring these, identifying required and available resources, identifying appropriate stakeholders and communicating with them to plan the project. This unit applies to work in a public health context and workers at this level will demonstrate judgement and autonomy within defined guidelines. Workers may be responsible for overseeing the outputs of others.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTPOP022   Evaluate a population health project
    • CIT Code: HESC538
      Cost: Standard $56.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to evaluate a population health project against an existing project plan. This unit applies to work in a public health context and workers at this level will demonstrate judgement and autonomy within defined guidelines. Workers may be responsible for overseeing the outputs of others.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTPOP023   Build capacity to promote health
    • CIT Code: HESC539
      Cost: Standard $84.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to build capacity to promote health among individuals, communities, organisations and coalitions. Work focuses on the ability to develop infrastructure, enhance sustainability and foster problem solving capabilities at an individual, team or organisation level. This unit applies to work in a public health context and workers at this level will demonstrate judgement and autonomy within defined guidelines. Workers may be responsible for overseeing the outputs of others.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTWHS003   Maintain work health and safety
    • CIT Code: WPHS102
      Cost: Standard $88.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to implement and monitor work health and safety (WHS) policies, procedures and work practices as part of a small work team. This unit applies to workers who have a key role in maintaining WHS in an organisation, including duty of care for other workers.
      Prerequisites: Nil

Electives: Complete minimum 9

  • HLTPOP005   Work in a population health context
    • CIT Code: HESC524
      Cost: Standard $42.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to apply current context, philosophy and key principles of population health to work in the sector. This unit applies to work in a public health context and workers at this level will work under supervision within established guidelines.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTPOP014   Assess readiness for and effect behaviour change
    • CIT Code: HESC526
      Cost: Standard $70.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to analyse behaviour that impacts health and ways in which to reinforce or change them to promote health. This unit applies to work in a public health context and workers at this level will demonstrate judgement and limited responsibility within defined guidelines.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTPOP015   Provide information on smoking and smoking cessation
    • CIT Code: HESC527
      Cost: Standard $105.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide information to individuals and groups on the impact of smoking and nicotine dependence and available smoking cessation resources and programs. It does not include providing smoking cessations interventions. This unit applies to work in a public health context and workers at this level will demonstrate judgement and limited responsibility within defined guidelines.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTPOP016   Provide interventions to clients who are nicotine dependent
    • CIT Code: HESC528
      Cost: Standard $105.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to treat and manage nicotine dependence, including (singly or in combination) behavioural and pharmacological interventions, such as brief advice and counselling; intensive support and provision of advice on use of appropriate non-prescription and prescription pharmacotherapy. This unit applies to work in a public health context and workers at this level will demonstrate judgement and sensitivity within defined organisational guidelines for the implementation of smoking cessation strategies.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTHPS010   Interpret and use information about nutrition and diet
    • CIT Code: HESC573
      Cost: Standard $135.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to interpret and use basic information about nutritional principles and healthy diet. It does not include the provision of therapeutic nutritional or dietary advice to individual clients or the recommendation of ‘practitioner only’ nutritional products. This unit applies to individuals working with clients within the limits of the Australian dietary guidelines. They make referrals to other health professionals or accredited practising dietitians when those limits are exceeded.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • BSBPEF301   Organise personal work priorities
    • CIT Code: BUSN479
      Cost: Standard $100.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to organise personal work schedules, to monitor and obtain feedback on work performance and to maintain required levels of competence. The unit applies to individuals who exercise discretion and judgement and apply a broad range of competencies in various work contexts.No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCCCS014   Provide brief interventions
    • CIT Code: WELF463
      Cost: Standard $105.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assess intervention needs, and then to implement and monitor brief intervention strategies for people at various stages of the change process. This unit applies to workers in a range of community services contexts.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • SISFFIT052   Provide healthy eating information
    • CIT Code: SPRT944
      Cost: Standard $220.00
      Description: This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide general, and not individualised, information about healthy eating to fitness clients. Information is based on the main recommendations of the current Australian national dietary guidelines which aim to promote optimal health and wellbeing for generally healthy people.The unit requires the ability to recognise situations that are beyond the scope of practice for fitness instructors, and to provide information about the types of medical and allied health professionals with expertise to advise on nutritional needs.This unit applies to group fitness and gym instructors who practise in settings such as fitness facilities, gyms, and leisure and community centres.The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State or Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTWHS006   Manage personal stressors in the work environment
    • CIT Code: HESC522
      Cost: Standard $39.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to maintain health and wellbeing by preventing and managing personal stress. This unit applies to work in a range of health and community services settings, in particular work roles that operate in high stress situations and circumstances.
      Prerequisites: Nil

More Information

For more information about this course please contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email