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Diploma of Remedial Massage HLT52015


On completion of this qualification you will be able to provide remedial massage. You may be self employed as an independent practitioner or may work within a larger health service. In this course you will provide remedial massage treatment to clients with specific needs such as injury management, rehabilitation, palliative care, aged care, women and children and in a variety of settings that include private practice, corporate environments, and sports venues You will supervise other massage therapists in training in the CIT remedial massage clinic reception.

This course is in transition. You may be transferred to a replacement course in 2024.


Diploma of Remedial Massage HLT52015

Next Intake:

Semester 2 2024

Course No:



CIT Bruce 


2 semesters full-time (approximately 30 hours per week) or part-time equivalent, plus additional 10 hours per week (approximately) individual learning such as online activities, workplace application by practicing your skills and knowledge in the simulated facility located on campus, research and project work.

Cost Info:

Further information about fees is available at Course fees and assistance

Indicative Cost:


Likely Job Outcome:

Remedial massage therapist as a sole practitioner or with other health professionals such as an osteopath, chiropractor or physiotherapist.

Application Type:

Register Your Interest

Timetable Information

To help with the enrolment process print your timetable, or keep the window open, so that you can refer back to it for your course code, course name, and the Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) or Block Code.

Additional Information

This course has a mandatory clinic requirement (200 hours in total). CIT will arrange your clinic experience which is undertaken in the purpose built massage facility located on campus at CIT Bruce. Before undertaking any clinic experience you must be at least 18 years of age and will be required to have a current First Aid Certificate with the core unit HLTAID003 Provide first aid. Further information will be provided on enrolment.

Entry Requirements

You will be required to have a current First Aid Certificate (HLTAID003 Provide first aid). Information will be provided on enrolment.

On entry, you will need to demonstrate appropriate literacy and numeracy skills by undertaking a literacy and numeracy assessment. You may be required to undertake additional Foundation Skills subjects to support your learning and success in this course.

Skills Recognition

To study any course at CIT (excluding non-accredited training) you must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).

Literacy Skills Information

We suggest that you will need Australian Core Skills Framework literacy levels of at least 3 across reading, writing, learning, oral communication and, depending on your course of study, numeracy skills to successfully complete this course. If you do not have this level, you can still enrol and seek support to improve your skills or you may prefer to begin with the lower level course. Please visit Foundation Skills.

Transition Information

Qualifications at CIT are regularly updated or replaced to meet current industry needs and maximise your employment opportunities. If this occurs while you are part way through a qualification, you may need to vary your learning to meet the new national requirements. CIT will aim to make this as smooth as possible for you.

Subject Cancellations/Changes

To ensure positive outcomes for all students, CIT may need to cancel or change classes at short notice. CIT will make every effort to inform students as soon as changes are made and will also make every effort to offer alternative arrangements for students to meet the requirements of the subject and complete their qualification. In an unfortunate instance when this cannot be met, you will receive a full refund. Please ensure you maintain current contact details via CIT Self Service or by contacting CIT Student Services at

Subject Information

Complete 21 subjects

Core: complete 16

  • CHCCOM006   Establish and manage client relationships
    • CIT Code: COMM496
      Cost: Standard $230.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge to establish and manage professional on-to-one relationships with clients in the context of providing an ongoing health service or intervention. This unit applies to community services or health workers who have defined responsibilities to work independently with clients within broad but established guidelines.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCDIV001   Work with diverse people
    • CIT Code: CLTS145
      Cost: Standard $56.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work respectfully with people from diverse social and cultural groups and situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. This unit applies to all workers.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCLEG003   Manage legal and ethical compliance
    • CIT Code: LEGL220
      Cost: Standard $176.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to research information about compliance and ethical practice responsibilities, and then develop and monitor policies and procedures to meet those responsibilities. This unit applies to people working in roles with managerial responsibility for legal and ethical compliance in small to medium sized organisations. There may or may not be a team of workers involved.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCPRP003   Reflect on and improve own professional practice
    • CIT Code: WELF469
      Cost: Standard $168.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to evaluate and enhance own practice through a process of reflection and ongoing professional development. This unit applies to workers in all industry sectors who take pro-active responsibility for their own professional development.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCPRP005   Engage with health professionals and the health system
    • CIT Code: COMM497
      Cost: Standard $88.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work within the health care system and engage effectively with other health professionals, including writing referral reports. This unit applies to individuals working in health or community services who work autonomously with clients in the provision of services.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTAAP003   Analyse and respond to client health information
    • CIT Code: HESC503
      Cost: Standard $337.00
      Description: This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to analyse client health information and then to plan appropriate health services within scope of own role. It requires an in-depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology. This unit applies to individuals who plan and provide services with some level of autonomy. Some disciplines will require a state/territory regulatory determination regarding delegation and supervision.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTAID011   Provide first aid
    • CIT Code: HESC586
      Cost: Standard $140.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to a casualty in line with first aid guidelines determined by the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) and other Australian national peak clinical bodies. The unit applies to all persons who may be required to provide a first aid response in a range of situations, including community and workplace settings. Specific licensing/regulatory requirements relating to this competency, including requirements for refresher training should be obtained from the relevant national/state/territory Work Health and Safety Regulatory Authorities.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTINF004   Manage the prevention and control of infection
    • CIT Code: WPHS112
      Cost: Standard $110.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop, implement and monitor infection prevention and control systems and procedures in work contexts where health and personal care services are provided. This unit applies to people working in roles with managerial responsibilities for infection prevention and control in small to medium sized organisations. There may or may not be a team of workers involved.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTMSG001   Develop massage practice
    • CIT Code: HESC514
      Cost: Standard $88.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish the foundations of massage practice, evaluate what makes a sustainable practice and then to develop an approach to own practice. This unit applies to massage therapists.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTMSG002   Assess client massage needs
    • CIT Code: HESC515
      Cost: Standard $331.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to gather client information, make a physical assessment of the body and determine massage treatment options. This unit applies to massage therapists providing general health maintenance treatments. It does not include remedial massage assessment techniques. This unit applies to massage therapists.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTMSG003   Perform remedial massage musculoskeletal assessments
    • CIT Code: HESC516
      Cost: Standard $529.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assess the needs of clients presenting with soft tissue dysfunction, musculoskeletal imbalance or restrictions in range of motion (ROM). It requires the ability to gather client information, conduct specific tests and bring information together to develop a remedial massage treatment plan. There is a strong focus on functional anatomy. This unit applies to remedial massage therapists.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTMSG004   Provide massage treatments
    • CIT Code: HESC517
      Cost: Standard $638.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and provide massage treatments using a defined range of techniques and sequences. This unit applies to massage therapists providing general health maintenance treatments. It does not include remedial massage techniques.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTMSG005   Provide remedial massage treatments
    • CIT Code: HESC518
      Cost: Standard $836.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and provide remedial massage treatments based on the outcomes of an existing health assessment and treatment plan. This unit applies to remedial massage therapists working with clients presenting with soft tissue dysfunction, musculoskeletal imbalance or restrictions in range of motion (ROM).
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTMSG006   Adapt remedial massage treatments to meet specific needs
    • CIT Code: HESC519
      Cost: Standard $367.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to adapt remedial massage assessment and treatment strategies to meet the needs of clients of different genders and at different stages of life. It also includes the requirement to be able to identify and respond to other specific needs with which the practitioner may be unfamiliar. This unit applies to remedial massage therapists.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTMSG008   Monitor and evaluate remedial massage treatments
    • CIT Code: HESC521
      Cost: Standard $374.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to monitor and evaluate remedial massage treatments, both from an individual client and whole of practice perspective. This unit applies to remedial massage therapists.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTWHS004   Manage work health and safety
    • CIT Code: WPHS113
      Cost: Standard $88.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish, maintain and evaluate work health and safety (WHS) policies, procedures and programs in the relevant work area, according to WHS legislative requirements. This unit applies to workers who have responsibility for WHS as part of their role, including workers with obligations under WHS legislation, persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs), or their officers (as defined by relevant legislation).
      Prerequisites: Nil

Electives: complete 4

  • CHCCCS001   Address the needs of people with chronic disease
    • CIT Code: HUSE474
      Cost: Standard $165.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to determine and address specific issues faced by people who have a chronic disease, in the context of contributing to a holistic approach to support. The unit applies to workers providing services to people with chronic disease in diverse community services and health contexts.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTMSG007   Adapt remedial massage practice for athletes
    • CIT Code: HESC520
      Cost: Standard $132.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to determine the remedial massage needs of athletes and to adjust assessment and treatment to develop preventative and injury related treatment strategies for athletes and other sport active people. This unit applies to remedial massage therapists.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTAAP002   Confirm physical health status
    • CIT Code: HESC502
      Cost: Standard $403.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to obtain and interpret information about client health status and to check a client's physical health. It requires a detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology. This unit applies to individuals working directly with clients and who assist in the provision of health care services. Some disciplines may be subject to state/territory regulatory determination regarding delegation and supervision.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTWHS006   Manage personal stressors in the work environment
    • CIT Code: HESC522
      Cost: Standard $35.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to maintain health and wellbeing by preventing and managing personal stress. This unit applies to work in a range of health and community services settings, in particular work roles that operate in high stress situations and circumstances.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCAGE001   Facilitate the empowerment of older people
    • CIT Code: HUSE475
      Cost: Standard $110.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to respond to the goals and aspirations of older people and provide support services in a manner that focuses on improving health outcomes and quality of life, using a person-centred approach. This unit applies to support workers in residential or community contexts.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCDIS007   Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
    • CIT Code: HUSE499
      Cost: Standard $220.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to facilitate the empowerment of people with disability to deliver rights based services using a person-centred approach. It should be carried out in conjunction with individualised plans. This unit applies to workers in varied disability contexts.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCMHS001   Work with people with mental health issues
    • CIT Code: HUSE500
      Cost: Standard $190.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish relationships, clarify needs, and then work collaboratively with people who are living with mental health issues. This unit applies to support workers in contexts outside the mental health sector, but who come into contact with people with mental health issues. The services and support provided are not mental health specific.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCPOL003   Research and apply evidence to practice
    • CIT Code: HUSE504
      Cost: Standard $143.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish the information need, gather information and critically analyse the information for relevance to own work. This unit applies to health and community service workers who need to research existing information to support and improve their work practice. It does not cover primary research.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCPRP001   Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships
    • CIT Code: COMM499
      Cost: Standard $176.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify networking and collaboration needs and develop formal and informal partnerships to enhance service delivery and improve professional practice. This unit applies to work in all industry sectors, and to individuals who take pro-active responsibility for improving collaboration between workers and organisations.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CHCPRP002   Collaborate in professional practice
    • CIT Code: WELF484
      Cost: Standard $88.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish, implement and evaluate collaborative practice. This unit applies to health and community service practitioners who may collaborate on the delivery of services to individual clients, groups of clients, communities or sub-populations. They may work individually with shared clients, together with individual clients or work on projects or programs that address the needs of groups or sub-populations. Work is self-directed.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • HLTHPS010   Interpret and use information about nutrition and diet
    • CIT Code: HESC573
      Cost: Standard $135.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to interpret and use basic information about nutritional principles and healthy diet. It does not include the provision of therapeutic nutritional or dietary advice to individual clients or the recommendation of ‘practitioner only’ nutritional products. This unit applies to individuals working with clients within the limits of the Australian dietary guidelines. They make referrals to other health professionals or accredited practising dietitians when those limits are exceeded.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • SISFFIT013   Instruct exercise to young people aged 13 to 17 years
    • CIT Code: SPRT877
      Cost: Standard $198.00
      Description: This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to plan, instruct and evaluate exercise for young people aged thirteen to seventeen years. It requires the ability to supervise young people using fitness facilities and relevant equipment to promote functional capacity and fitness.It involves using industry endorsed risk management protocols when determining the provision of suitable exercise services. This may include guidance from relevant medical or allied health professionals. This unit applies to personal trainers who work in a variety of fitness locations such as fitness, leisure and community centres. These individuals typically work autonomously in controlled and uncontrolled fitness environments. Work is performed according to relevant legislation including working with children or vulnerable people checks, and organisational policies and procedures.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • SISFFIT014   Instruct exercise to older clients
    • CIT Code: SPRT876
      Cost: Standard $154.00
      Description: This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to plan, instruct and evaluate exercise for male clients aged forty five and over, and female clients aged fifty five and over. It requires the ability to provide instruction of exercise programs aimed at improving health and fitness for older clients, with consideration of aspects of healthy ageing. It also covers promotion of incidental physical activity to clients to minimise the risk of developing sedentary lifestyle behaviours. It involves using industry endorsed risk stratification procedures when determining the provision of suitable advice and referral requirements. This unit applies to fitness instructors who work in a variety of fitness locations such as fitness, leisure and community centres. These individuals typically work independently with some level of autonomy in a controlled environment. Work is performed according to relevant legislation and organisational policies and procedures.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • SISFFIT031   Implement injury prevention strategies
    • CIT Code: SPRT891
      Cost: Standard $154.00
      Description: This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to incorporate an understanding of injury prevention into fitness instruction, programming and provision of fitness advice. It involves the application of foundation knowledge and skills to support the encouragement of healthy posture, effective movement patterns and safe exercise technique.This unit requires the ability to screen the injury risk of clients who have a history of current and/or recurrent injury, within the scope of practice as part of or following industry endorsed pre-exercise screening and risk stratification protocols. It applies to advanced personal trainers who analyse the risk of injury, re-injury or development of avoidable injury complications as well as client response to injury prevention in consultation with relevant medical or allied health professionals. Advanced personal trainers typically work autonomously in controlled and uncontrolled fitness environments. Work is performed according to relevant legislation and organisational policies and procedures.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • SISSSCO307   Provide nutrition information to athletes
    • CIT Code: SPRT862
      Cost: Standard $55.00
      Description: his unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to enable coaches to provide information to support their athletes to apply the principles and practices of nutrition to achieve peak performance in the relevant sporting activity.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • SISSSPT307A   Conduct advanced taping
    • CIT Code: SPRT789
      Cost: Standard $23.00
      Description: This unit applies to personnel working autonomously as sports trainers who are responsible for performing pre- and post-event taping as part of providing injury prevention and treatment for athletes, and providing treatment to assist with injury rehabilitation in a sport-specific training or competition setting such as on the playing field, court, change rooms, open or enclosed areas at sporting events, accommodation venues or in transit.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • SISSSTC301A   Instruct strength and conditioning techniques
    • CIT Code: SPRT794
      Cost: Standard $157.00
      Description: Unit descriptorThis unit describes the performance outcomes, knowledge and skills required to use drills, exercises and activities to instruct strength and conditioning techniques to individual athletes or groups of athletes according to their sport-specific needs, or those undertaking fitness programs to achieve personal fitness goals.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • SISSSTC402A   Develop strength and conditioning programs
    • CIT Code: SPRT596
      Cost: Standard $102.00
      Description: Unit descriptorThis unit describes the performance outcomes, knowledge and skills required to develop, implement and evaluate a strength and conditioning program. It focuses on the skills needed to develop a program which meets the needs of individual athletes or groups of athletes according to their sport-specific needs or those undertaking fitness programs to achieve personal fitness goals.
      Prerequisites: Nil

Electives: complete 1

  • BSBSMB403   Market the small business
    • CIT Code: MGNT352
      Cost: Standard $110.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to monitor and improve business performance via a clear strategy complementing the business plan. It applies to individuals who operate a small business independently or within a larger organisation. Individuals in this role analyse and interpret market data and are proficient communicators. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • BSBSMB404   Undertake small business planning
    • CIT Code: MGNT356
      Cost: Standard $115.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to research and develop an integrated business plan for achieving business goals and objectives. It applies to individuals who operate a small business that operates independently, or as part of a larger organisation. Individuals in this role interpret business information and numerical data competently and are skilled communicators. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • BSBSMB405   Monitor and manage small business operations
    • CIT Code: MGNT348
      Cost: Standard $109.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to implement a business plan and modify operations as required. It applies to individuals who operate a small business which stands alone, or is part of a department within a larger organisation. Individuals in this role are skilful communicators and interpret numerical data with ease. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • BSBSMB406   Manage small business finances
    • CIT Code: MGNT329
      Cost: Standard $132.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to implement and review financial management strategies on a regular basis. It applies to individuals who operate a small business that stands alone, or is part of a department within a larger organisation. Individuals in this role interpret financial reports and other numerical data to develop financial management strategies.
      Prerequisites: Nil

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More Information

For more information about this course please contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email