This course is designed for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people either wishing to enter or already working in the alcohol and other drug work field. Our courses are delivered by well qualified and experienced Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers within a community setting. We use Aboriginal learning techniques such as yarning circles to come up with ideas, learn from each other and build on existing life skills & experiences. Additional tutorial hours are on offer should you require extra support with your assessments. The course provides you with specialist skills and equips you with the skills needed to work in the Alcohol and other drug field. Many of our graduates have gained jobs in the field of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous community organisations.
Qualification: |
Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs CHC43215 |
Next Intake: |
Course No: |
C4-YC10 |
Campus: |
CIT Reid*
*It is expected the location of this course will transition to the CIT Bruce campus in Term 4, 2025. CIT will provide support for students who will be making the move to Bruce.
Duration: |
1 semester full-time (approx. 15 hours per week) OR part-time equivalent. |
Cost Info: |
Enrolment fees for this course are based on the costs per subject as indicated below. The total course cost may vary depending on the choice of elective subjects or if subjects are attempted more than once. Subject costs identified as Standard are partially subsidised by the ACT Government. Concessions may be available to eligible students.
Indicative Cost: |
$2,475 |
Likely Job Outcome: |
Students who successfully complete this qualification seek employment in the sector in such occupations as: - Case worker - Community support worker - Outreach Worker - Detoxification Worker - Drug and Alcohol Worker |
Application Type: |
Standard |
Share: |
Course information sessions
Unscheduled sessions
Standard applications
Contact CIT Student Services at infoline@cit.edu.au or call (02) 6207 3188 for course information or help enrolling.
Additional Information
Before undertaking any work placement, you must:
- be at least 18 years of age
- be eligible to apply for, and hold a 'Working with Vulnerable People Check' and
- have a current First Aid Certificate (HLTAID003 Provide first aid).
Information will be provided on enrolment.
By enrolling, CIT assumes you have checked and met these entry requirements. CIT staff will confirm either before or within the first few weeks of classes.
The preferred pathway is for all learners to complete a Certificate III in Community Services at CIT (CHC32015).
On entry, you will need to demonstrate appropriate literacy skills by undertaking a literacy assessment. We have embedded literacy into our course to support your learning and success.
Entry Requirements
Students must have completed the CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Service
Skills Recognition
To study any course at CIT (excluding non-accredited training) you must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).
Literacy Skills Information
We suggest that you will need Australian Core Skills Framework literacy levels of at least 3 across reading, writing, learning, oral communication and, depending on your course of study, numeracy skills to successfully complete this course. If you do not have this level, you can still enrol and seek support to improve your skills or you may prefer to begin with the lower level course. Please visit Foundation Skills.
Transition Information
Qualifications at CIT are regularly updated or replaced to meet current industry needs and maximise your employment opportunities. If this occurs while you are part way through a qualification, you may need to vary your learning to meet the new national requirements. CIT will aim to make this as smooth as possible for you.
Subject Cancellations/Changes
To ensure positive outcomes for all students, CIT may need to cancel or change classes at short notice. CIT will make every effort to inform students as soon as changes are made and will also make every effort to offer alternative arrangements for students to meet the requirements of the subject and complete their qualification. In an unfortunate instance when this cannot be met, you will receive a full refund. Please ensure you maintain current contact details via CIT Self Service or by contacting CIT Student Services at infoline@cit.edu.au.
Subject Information
Complete 17 subjects
Core: Complete all 12
- CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
CIT Code: | CLTS145
Cost: | Standard $56.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work respectfully with people from diverse social and cultural groups and situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
This unit applies to all workers.
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships
CIT Code: | COMM498
Cost: | Standard $121.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge to apply specific communication techniques to establish, build and maintain relationships with clients, colleagues and other stakeholders based on respect and trust.
This unit applies to work across a range of workplace contexts where workers at all levels may communicate with individuals and/or groups both in person and in writing. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships
CIT Code: | COMM499
Cost: | Standard $176.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify networking and collaboration needs and develop formal and informal partnerships to enhance service delivery and improve professional practice.
This unit applies to work in all industry sectors, and to individuals who take pro-active responsibility for improving collaboration between workers and organisations. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- HLTAID011 Provide first aid
CIT Code: | HESC586
Cost: | Standard $140.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to a casualty in line with first aid guidelines determined by the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) and other Australian national peak clinical bodies. The unit applies to all persons who may be required to provide a first aid response in a range of situations, including community and workplace settings. Specific licensing/regulatory requirements relating to this competency, including requirements for refresher training should be obtained from the relevant national/state/territory Work Health and Safety Regulatory Authorities. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCAOD001 Work in an alcohol and other drugs context
CIT Code: | HUSE493
Cost: | Standard $176.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish and work within the current context, philosophy and values of the alcohol and other drugs (AOD) sector.
This unit applies to workers who come into contact with clients affected by alcohol and other drugs. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
CIT Code: | HUSE500
Cost: | Standard $190.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish relationships, clarify needs, and then work collaboratively with people who are living with mental health issues.
This unit applies to support workers in contexts outside the mental health sector, but who come into contact with people with mental health issues. The services and support provided are not mental health specific. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
CIT Code: | LEGL219
Cost: | Standard $80.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify and work within the legal and ethical frameworks that apply to an individual job role.
This unit applies to community services and health workers who play a proactive role in identifying and meeting their legal and ethical responsibilities. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs
CIT Code: | WELF456
Cost: | Standard $176.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assess the diverse and multi-faceted needs of people and determine both internal and external services required to meet those needs.
This unit applies in a range of community service contexts. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drugs issues
CIT Code: | WELF459
Cost: | Standard $298.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and conduct assessments of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) clients to determine eligibility, service requirements and referral needs. This includes knowledge of factors affecting assessment for a range of different client groups including different genders, youth, older people, mandated and voluntary clients, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This unit applies to people involved in the assessment of clients with AOD issues using established organisation or jurisdictional AOD assessment tools. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCAOD006 Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drugs issues
CIT Code: | WELF460
Cost: | Standard $154.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to confirm, conduct and monitor intervention strategies to address alcohol and other drugs (AOD) issues.
This unit applies to workers who provide support to people with AOD issues within the scope of an established individual treatment plan. Interventions would be ongoing and be conducted under the guidance of a supervisor. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCAOD009 Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans
CIT Code: | WELF462
Cost: | Standard $165.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work collaboratively with clients to establish treatment goals, and to develop and evaluate individual treatment plans to meet those goals.
This unit applies to workers who develop treatment plans with, and for, clients with alcohol and other drugs (AOD) issues on the basis of an existing assessment and within established organisation guidelines. Depending on the context, development of the plan may be autonomous or collaborative. Workers may or may not be the person conducting the assessment. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCCCS014 Provide brief interventions
CIT Code: | WELF463
Cost: | Standard $105.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assess intervention needs, and then to implement and monitor brief intervention strategies for people at various stages of the change process.
This unit applies to workers in a range of community services contexts. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
Electives: Complete 5
- HLTWHS006 Manage personal stressors in the work environment
CIT Code: | HESC522
Cost: | Standard $35.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to maintain health and wellbeing by preventing and managing personal stress.
This unit applies to work in a range of health and community services settings, in particular work roles that operate in high stress situations and circumstances. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCGRP002 Plan and conduct group activities
CIT Code: | HUSE512
Cost: | Standard $154.00
Description: | This unit describes the knowledge and skills required to establish, lead and participate in a groups using a collaborative, strengths-based approach.
This unit applies to any individual involved in planning and leading group activities. Groups may be formal or informal.
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCAOD002 Work with clients who are intoxicated
CIT Code: | WELF458
Cost: | Standard $110.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to respond to the immediate and ongoing needs of people intoxicated by alcohol and/or other drugs, with a focus on harm minimisation.
This unit applies to people working in alcohol and other drugs (AOD) services and other community service delivery contexts. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCCCS019 Recognise and respond to crisis situations
CIT Code: | WELF464
Cost: | Standard $99.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to recognise situations where people may be in imminent crisis, and then to work collaboratively to minimise any safety concerns and make plans to access required support services.
This unit applies to any community services worker involved in crisis intervention. Management of the crisis may involve face-to-face, telephone or remote contact with persons involved. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
CIT Code: | YURA101
Cost: | Standard $55.00
Description: | The unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety issues in the workplace, model cultural safety in own work practice, and develop strategies to enhance cultural safety.
This unit applies to people working in a broad range of roles including those involved in direct client service, program planning, development and evaluation contexts. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
- CHCADV001 Facilitate the interests and rights of clients
CIT Code: | HUSE491
Cost: | Standard $220.00
Description: | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assist clients to identify their rights, voice their needs and concerns and realise their interests, rights and needs.
This unit applies to workers of all levels in a range of health or community services settings who provide services using a human rights based approach and have direct interaction with clients. |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
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More Information
For more information about this course please contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email infoline@cit.edu.au