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Certificate II in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts CUA20420


So you think you can't draw! This course is designed for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people who are interested in exploring visual arts and design. You will connect with your culture, identity and visually express your totem and Songlines. We build into this course a strong connection to Country.


Certificate II in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts CUA20420

Next Intake:

Semester 1 2025

Course No:



CIT Reid*

*It is expected the location of this course will transition to the CIT Bruce campus in Term 4, 2025. CIT will provide support for students who will be making the move to Bruce.


1 Semester duration: Full time approx. 19 hours per week. Or part time equivalent.
Attending CIT campus 3 days per week Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 5 hours per day (9:30am – 3:00pm).

Cost Info:

Enrolment fees for this course are based on the costs per subject as indicated below. The total course cost may vary depending on the choice of elective subjects or if subjects are attempted more than once. Subject costs identified as Standard are partially subsidised by the ACT Government. Concessions may be available to eligible students.

Indicative Cost:


Likely Job Outcome:

This course provides a pathway to further study in the Creative Arts Field.

Application Type:


Additional Information

Each student can apply for a CIT Indigenous Scholarship to cover the fees applicable for this Qualification. If unsuccessful in receiving the scholarship students can apply for Fee Assistance or Payment Plans.

Entry Requirements

Students must be of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent.

Skills Recognition

To study any course at CIT (excluding non-accredited training) you must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).

Literacy Skills Information

We suggest that you will need Australian Core Skills Framework levels of at least 2 across reading, writing, learning, oral communication and, depending on your course of study, numeracy skills to successfully complete this course. If you do not have this level, you can still enrol and seek support to improve your skills or you may prefer to begin with a lower level course, or enrol in the Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways (FSK20119) to develop your literacy skills. Please visit CIT Foundation Skills page.

Transition Information

Qualifications at CIT are regularly updated or replaced to meet current industry needs and maximise your employment opportunities. If this occurs while you are part way through a qualification, you may need to vary your learning to meet the new national requirements. CIT will aim to make this as smooth as possible for you.

Subject Cancellations/Changes

To ensure positive outcomes for all students, CIT may need to cancel or change classes at short notice. CIT will make every effort to inform students as soon as changes are made and will also make every effort to offer alternative arrangements for students to meet the requirements of the subject and complete their qualification. In an unfortunate instance when this cannot be met, you will receive a full refund. Please ensure you maintain current contact details via CIT Self Service or by contacting CIT Student Services at

Subject Information

Complete 10 subjects (5 Core and 5 Electives)

Core: Complete all 5

  • CUAACD101   Use basic drawing techniques
    • CIT Code: ARTS148
      Cost: Standard $110.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create a basic visual representation of objects or ideas. It does not relate to drawing as an art form. It applies to individuals in any context where a basic sketch or drawing of objects, ideas or layouts is required.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CUAPPR211   Make simple creative work
    • CIT Code: ARTS417
      Cost: Standard $10.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to make simple creative work in any medium. It involves the process of developing and discussing ideas, and using a limited range of specific art and design techniques to communicate those ideas through creative work.This unit applies to those who, with the help and feedback of key people, develop and apply a repertoire of skills to make simple creative work in any form.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CUAATS111   Develop understanding of own Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identity
    • CIT Code: ARTS415
      Cost: Standard $100.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop understanding of the cultural and intellectual properties of ones own cultural identity. The local cultural knowledge necessary to achieve competency in this unit may only be accessible to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. This unit also reflects the fact that there is no single Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander culture.The unit applies to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples in areas of work that include arts practice and cultural tourism. They could be preparing for work or further learning to pursue a career in the cultural or performing arts, or as a tour guide in local communities. This learning and work would be closely guided by required members of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CUAATS211   Prepare for work in the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural arts industry
    • CIT Code: ARTS416
      Cost: Standard $10.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop general knowledge of the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural arts industry and investigate cultural arts practices of local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander artists.The unit applies to individuals who are entering the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural arts industry. Individuals could be working in urban, regional, rural or remote settings. The work environment could involve interactions with artists and their communities in contexts such as cultural centres, arts centres, cooperatives, commercial galleries, public galleries, museums, retail outlets, community projects, exhibitions, events and festivals.This unit reflects the diversity of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultures and their cultural arts practices. It emphasises the importance of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples controlling their own cultural heritage and identity.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • BSBWHS211   Contribute to the health and safety of self and others
    • CIT Code: BUSN564
      Cost: Standard $100.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work in a manner that is healthy and safe in relation to self and others, and to assist in responding to incidents. It covers following work health and safety (WHS) policies, procedures, instructions and requirements; and participating in WHS consultative processes. The unit applies to those who require a basic knowledge of WHS to carry out own work in a defined context, under direct supervision or with some individual responsibility, in a range of industry and workplace contexts.NOTES1. The terms occupational health and safety (OHS) and work health and safety (WHS) are equivalent, and generally either can be used in the workplace. In jurisdictions where model WHS laws have not been implemented, registered training organisations (RTOs) are advised to contextualise this unit of competency by referring to existing WHS legislative requirements.2. The model WHS laws include the model WHS Act, model WHS Regulations and model WHS Codes of Practice. See Safe Work Australia for further information. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil

Electives: Complete minimum 5

  • CUADRA201   Develop drawing skills
    • CIT Code: ARTS154
      Cost: Standard $110.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use a limited range of basic drawing techniques to produce fundamental drawings from simple ideas. This unit relates to drawing as an art form and differs from units that focus on drawing as a visual representation tool. It typically applies to individuals who have developed some general design or drawing skills and who are now embarking on a career in visual arts. They have little or no experience in drawing and work under close supervision and with guidance from others.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CUAPAI211   Develop painting skills
    • CIT Code: ARTS418
      Cost: Standard $10.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use a limited range of basic painting techniques to produce fundamental paintings from simple ideas. It involves preparing resources to use and test paint techniques and develop painting skills.It typically applies to individuals who have developed some general design, drawing or painting skills and who are now embarking on a career in visual arts. They have little or no experience in painting and work under close supervision and with guidance from others.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CUADES201   Follow a design process
    • CIT Code: ARTS419
      Cost: Standard $10.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to follow a design process at a basic level, incorporating an element of problem solving to identify and resolve challenges that may hinder the process. It involves establishing the challenges faced in the design process, exploring different ideas for solutions and solving the associated challenges through implementation of solutions. The unit applies to those who work under direct supervision and respond to specific issues or changes which may relate to product and service requirements.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • CUAJWL211   Develop jewellery-making skills
    • CIT Code: ARTS420
      Cost: Standard $10.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use a limited range of basic jewellery-making techniques to produce fundamental jewellery pieces from simple design concepts. It involves researching and understanding jewellery design techniques to produce jewellery pieces.The unit applies to those who have developed some general design, drawing or craft skills and who are now embarking on a career in visual arts. They have little or no experience in jewellery-making and work under close supervision and with guidance from others.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil
  • BSBTWK201   Work effectively with others
    • CIT Code: BUSN557
      Cost: Standard $33.00
      Description: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work cooperatively with others and deal effectively with issues, problems and conflict.The unit applies to individuals who perform a range of routine tasks in a team environment and use a basic knowledge of teamwork in a defined context, under direct supervision or with limited individual responsibility.No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
      Prerequisites: Nil

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More Information

For more information about this course please contact CIT Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email